
what jokes

“do not agree with their political and social stances” such as, you know, hating Jewish people

why are you on this website

lmao why would you admit to being an incel

humanity was a mistake

You're right about the liberal circles thing, what I'm saying is people didn't realize until it was too late how fundamentally flawed and unlikable she was. Also, while I don't know anyone's age in this conversation, I think there is a big disconnect between liberal voters over 40 and those under 40. Millenials

They’re not defending the epic store so much as pointing out how freaking nuts people like you are.

This seems extreme.

Everything in this world is bad right now 

Is it revisionist or is it just that as the establishment candidate backed by media and tons of wealth, no one in liberal circles liked to talk about how much she sucked?

Why won't Warren win tho and why do you think Biden will fare any better than Hillary did

I do read the news, which also states that early polls 15 months out from election day are not an accurate indicator. (Btw I am down with Warren)

Yes, the group of people who overwhelmingly voted for Hillary in the general and simply wanted to have a Democratic Primary, a.k.a. democracy, are “one of the reasons” Hillary lost, not that, you know, she was terrible.

There is a difference between those people and actual Republicans, who Biden and his ilk constantly talk about trying to flip- which is never gonna happen. So yes, we agree there are people who will flip, where we disagree is that they will only flip for the guy who is essentially a Republican or that any actual

You’re constantly contradicting yourself. If “Bernie Bros” are “left” and Bernie Bros are the reason Hillary lost, then by your own logic, Hillary did not appeal to the “left.”

They’re only “left” because clowns like you call them that. I can call a dog a cat, that doesn’t make it true. 

Winning the Democratic Primary in no way indicates that a candidate appeals to the Left given that leftists and liberals are not one and the same, and the Democratic Party has ever so slowly being pulled into the middle to the point we’re at now, where the establishment is virtually indistinguishable from mainline

lmao dude, you really don’t know what you’re talking about if you think “Clinton appealed to the left.” How do you rationalize that when you also blame “Bernie Bros” for 2016?

Have you considered the constant stream of criticism directed at Biden is due to the fact that he sucks?

Because, as studies have shown, “middle of the road” voters aren’t really a thing? Most voters, even independents almost always vote for the same party. There is not a single Republican or Trump supporter you will be able to convince to vote Democrat ever again, it’s insane that people can’t see this. The demo you