The High Woman In The Castle

Yes, many of these “treatment centers” exist precisely so that parents do not need to “deal with” their kids’ trauma (in my experience, trauma that they have either afflicted on their child or turned a blind eye to). Through sheer luck, I worked in a program that insisted parents and families work closely with

Wow, the Wikipedia page for the Provo Canyon School is pretty horrifying:

In college, a married classmate of mine said “the only reason to live with someone is that you’re in love with them, or you don’t care about how you live.” This was also in the 90s, but even my young-ass self knew this woman was speaking from a place of towering privilege. Like, it simply hadn’t even occurred to her

Sure. That, or possessing a small amount of recreational drugs for personal use (while committing the cardinal sin of not being middle class and white). do know how many non-violent offenders are serving prison terms right? The US has the largest prison population in the world precisely because we lock up people for minor offenses.

I kinda can’t get over the insane discourse that this post provoked. It made me laugh so I guess that makes me a lazy woman :(((( LOL what is HAPPENING?

I mean, imprisoning someone, then saying we’ll let you out if you go do this dangerous work is like saying, give me your cash or I’ll kill you. Technically you have a choice there, but I’m not sure voluntary is the most technically true descriptor.

Here’s how fucked up our state is: so you want to be a wildland firefighter...yes...have you ever been arrested or convicted of a felony...yes but I was a prison camp firefi...thank you but we can’t legally hire you.

Thinking you can still go out and party but then deal with children. All your other 25 year old friends are getting drunk on tuesdays. But you’re hungover in front of a bunch of kids who are not having it.

And trust this essential work to a bunch of criminals!? s/

They’d have to pay them appropriately, which they won’t. Fire services in California have been woefully underfunded for years. Why would they pay, when they can use slave labor instead?

Perhaps they could be actually hiring all the prisoners who’ve been released (now and in the past) who are fully qualified to fight fires, but were expressly barred from the job because of their criminal record...

I mean, it has been proven that homework is bullshit, so make em suffer. All the guys here acting like homework is nessisary, and useful are funny.

Homework is scientifically proven to be bullshit.

I guess if your goal is “tons of helpless victims” it is indeed the perfect job!

Standards haven’t changed at all, really. I’ve mercifully lived alone for the past few years, but back when I was in need of a roommate and forced to rely on Craigslist, some light grilling about their ability cover costs and whatever sense I was left with re: how crazy/not crazy they seemed was the best I could

My mom chewed out my freshman algebra teacher for kicking me out of his class “officially”. She was pissed that she had to come before school (which would suck anyways) while in a full body cast because she just had her second shoulder replacement after a motorcycle accident. All of my teachers knew about this and

A-fucking-men. That teacher would have enjoyed shitting out of his new asshole by the time I was done with him. 

who was at the head of a column of 30,000 Nato troops with his unit