The High Woman In The Castle

Possibly a joint action, possibly Harry blabbing, possibly Meghan blabbing. We don’t really know how it went down. They almost certainly decided to wait until “after” the wedding, but one of them could have thought “Well it’s after the wedding now!” This is something I’m 100% sure my husband would do if not warned off

A white woman I went to college with told me that she voted for Trump because she could no longer support Hillary after “she punched that woman in the face.” I spent a fair time explaining, and then showing her, that the story was fake and likely linked to Russian propaganda. Her reaction? To brush it off. She

Some people rabidly want there to be a liberal boogeyman out there - “Look out there. Look what they’re DOING! I’m against that, I’m a savior on this crusade.”

When reality confronts ideology, reality always loses.

Exactly. I fact checked one Republican friend for the nonsense they posted all of the damn time. I always asked do you know this random internet stranger? If so, how do you know this is real?

But will she ever get it or will we have to see her tweet about it again?

Can someone explain this to Mark “All information is equal” Zuckerberg?

I think you have to have a conscience or be conscious to acknowledge reality and neither of these creeps do.

And the likelihood that jr. ever cracked open a bible is nil. Just bait for his twitter followers.

That’s why Nikki Haley bought all that popcorn!

Okay, so can we get a promise from Jezebel not to tank her and Biden both with the “Kamala is a cop” stuff?! Lots riding on this ticket, folks.

He will be allowed to be there. Mother will be there in the audience to keep a watchful eye on Harris for any shenanigans. 

So, when’s that Harris versus Pence debate?

So will Mike Pence be able to share a debate stage with another woman? Will he need mother’s permission? A chaperone? WILL HE RESIGN!!!

So does Mother let him debate on the same stage, or no?  

Yeah, I was going to say something similar, because you know this crowd tuned out after “And while the Bible burning did happen.” One or one thousand, it wouldn’t matter, everything after that to them is just white noise and ol’ Teddy and Don Jr were gonna run with it.

They’re firmly in the, “Even if this wasn’t that bad, it’s happening somewhere else so...” camp.

Are these the same people who want to stop the evils of Islam, by banning the teaching of Arabic numerals in our schools?

Beat me to it. You can’t fall for something if you’d willingly accept the results once the truth is revealed. Name any (nominal) American or moral value you like and you’ll find they consider it secondary to protecting their cultural hegemony.

Yeah, I would not say that Ted and Don Jr “fell for” Russian propaganda. I would say they enthusiastically engaged with it.