We depart on the question of taste.
We depart on the question of taste.
It’s absolutely mind boggling this is still a thing, and so common. Like when the me too movement was getting bigger a few years back and I heard from women talking about cat calling. I thought cat calling only existed in 1950's cartoons, honestly, but apparently, no it’s a common thing women have to deal with.
Fuck me, for $270,000 I’ll build my own damn house and have it exactly the way I want it.
There’s not a doubt that while little Benny is having the vapors over “the p-word”, he has no problem calling a woman he doesn’t like a fucking cunt.
and has a huge case of Madonna/whore issues.
“Congratulations, Shapiro, for letting us all know that a wet pussy is a foreign concept for both you and your wife.”
One woman wrote that she asked her husband to do laundry, and he said, “Wait is this Lean In laundry or normal laundry? If it’s Lean In laundry, I’ll do it. If it’s not, then I don’t have time right now.”
Imagine telling on yourself this hard by thinking a woman with a wet pussy has a medical condition.
He’s probably convinced her that three inches is large.
Wait, Ben Shapiro is married, yet he’s unfamiliar with wet pussies?
As CineCraft says, there is nothing inherently wrong with having a foot fetish. But Quentin Tarantino can go fuck himself because he sucks women’s toes without their permission.
I wear a mask and the virus is barely an issue where I live. The prolonged lack of sex is doing a way bigger number on my masculinity than anything else about the pandemic (the fact I live with my old parents now and am unemployed isn’t helping either, but it means I have to be extra careful when I go out). But I…
This kind of behavior is really disgusting to me. When our condo was on the market, we had TWO people come through in the space of a week looking to use it as a hotel alternative. We had one of the only affordable listings in the area, so it was depressing. We didn’t sell it to either of them, though, but you couldn’t…
God what a shitty gift. Just give cash if you’re not sure what he’s going to like.
See “Anthony Weiner”. So yeah, they HAVE published accounts going after straight guys ... they do it all the time if you care to pay attention.
Epstein and Ghislaine often went after girls from troubled homes/girls from low income families on purpose. They would usually have a girl of similar age make an introduction (though how they met the first girl, I’m not sure).
A puppet? WTF??
Here’s an interesting read about a famous house from the show that basically turned into a tourism attraction/AirBNB https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/chip-and-joanna-gaines-cant-fix-waco-9427134
I have never seen this show, never been to Texas, and know very little about Waco, except that it’s where the cult was in the 90s and Baylor University is there, which, speaking of cults...