It seems like perpetrators like Nassar and Epstein are always surrounded by enablers. I guess there is a spectrum of banality of evil.
It seems like perpetrators like Nassar and Epstein are always surrounded by enablers. I guess there is a spectrum of banality of evil.
Sounds like someone needs to go take Econ 101. It impacts you in LOTS of ways. Every $1 spent on consumer spending boosts the economy an extra roughly $1.80-$1.90. Every $1 invested? Boosts the economy an extra $1, give or take a few pennies. The US economy is a consumer driven economy - if people don’t buy things,…
But how does that further enrich the wealthy? I live in GA so the attack ads are strong against anyone that has even thought out loud about government healthcare as if that will be the end of civilization.
It’s not sacrifice to give someone 1k if you have 100,000k. It’s just not. You won’t miss it.
How should it have been phrased? The sentence “Joshua has the mental development of an elementary school-aged boy.” gives me a good idea of the challenges Joshua (and his caregivers) face, how would you word it to get the same idea across?
Sincere question, I have no medical degree: If there are genetic and non-genetic causes of autism shouldn’t we be doing more to separate the two diagnostically (and for treatment)?
It is striking to me how many of the significant problems in this story could have been mitigated by a health care system that supported parents, treated illness, and took a uniform approach to science and evidence.
I’ve seen it. There’s no excuse for feeding your kids bleach.
I’ve seen that movie!
What I would say to the mother:
The height of Hallmark’s diversity programming recently featured a line-dancing, achy-brakey country music lover falling for a still-drunk-when-I-stumbled-out-of-jail country music lover.
I once watched Meghan Markle’s Hallmark movie, “When Sparks Fly” and they gave her two caucasian biological parents. It was the most bizarre whitewashing I’ve ever seen.
And it will be called “The Wrong Protestant.”
Hallmark's idea of diversity will be a Methodist falling for a Presbyterian.
They may frame the argument like it has to do with you, but it really has everything to do with them.
This is a mark of fascism.
I seriously cannot high five you high enough for all the above! That kind of backasswards logic that these backasswards men use to justify their privilege is insane.
Lena Heady would be nearly tied with Swinton in my list.
I think it’s more they know how shitty women have been treated and are terrified of what will happen to them once the shoe is on the other foot. See also: white supremacists.
It’s similar, but not identical to, the religious version. Men: We are naturally better leaders because we’re more rational and objective, and less likely to be governed by emotions and hormonal swings. Also men: Women need to be locked up and covered because if we see one we might get an erection and go all to pieces.