The High Woman In The Castle

It’s the same way that illegal immigrants are simultaneously (a) lazy moochers who come here for those sweet, sweet welfare benefits, and (b) sneaky, devious people who want to steal good jobs from hardworking Americans.

Cognitive dissonance is the answer there. Like many subjects of conservative hatred women are simultaneously the most ineffective and most dangerous force in the world.

In the same breath my mom would tell me that I should be a lawyer or a doctor or do anything I wanted... and then tell me that in any good marriage the husband should be in charge. And then was mad at me for being single? Pick a fucking lane! 

It’s so like so many things with conservatives. What they really feel is hatred toward women and minorities. But, they feel like they can’t just say, “We hate women!” or “We hate [insert minority here]!” So, they make up reasons that sound logical to them (because they are in the midst of a hatred fit that never

Netflix is trying to sell me hard on Zac Efron’s new travel show. It looks cheesy as hell to me, and I assume also comes with a dollop of ‘white person travels and exoticizes/exploits/appropriates other cultures.’ Anyone waded in and can attest to whether it’s that, or something worth watching?

Well I suppose it’s good that no one was actually going to marry him. The horror!

I missed the wedding registry thing. He was a real piece of work and somehow wound up in my Twitter “maybe you should follow this person,” so I preemptively blocked him.

Opioid-addicted sex tourist gets Presidential Medal of Freedom for decades work in the prestigious Limbaugh Institute of OxyContin and Conservative Straw M(e)n.

It’s funny how people who use the term “feminazi” are often fine with ACTUAL Nazis.

So the whole registry thing was not only a lie, but a blatant money grab. Sheesh.

Oh, you sweet summer child, if you think HR is the place to go if you have an issue with the star or producer of a popular television series, I know several former Oprah! staffers who can shatter that dream world for you.

The having to walk through cosmetics gauntlet 8n department stores is the absolute worst! I always feel nauseous by the time I make it into the rest of the store. 

Pinkham never worked in the food industry beyond flipping hockey pucks at McD or BK.

How revolting and how transparent. I’m guessing you were super flattered! I hope at least you didn’t feel violated at the time. 

Is this the famous post that called him out? I must look for it! I must say I feel strangely vindicated!

Catnip makes you do crazy shit?

I’ve liked Ellen even before her talk show and her series. But whatever obstacles she had to overcome to become an unqualified success doesn’t make me absolve her of alleged bad or abusive behavior. Especially when she pontificates daily about niceness that possibly does not exist in her world.

You have no idea what HR exists for, this is obvious. HR exists solely to protect the company. This is its ONLY purpose. In this case Ellen *is* the company in question. So when an employee shows up with a complaint, the simple solution is to eliminate the employee.