Champagne of Beers

fuck this PC shit

I prefer to say I use undocumented drugs, not illegal ones.

BS, nothing wrong with illegal immigrant. I am all for reform but there is nothing wrong with calling people who enter the country illegally, illegal immigrants.

So, I can understand not using the term “alien”, because it basically strips people of their humanity and makes them seem different and completely unlike us.


I cannot even with this disgusting person.


Unfortunately that’s how misogynistic hip hop is, right? That a rapper not calling his girl a bitch is some kind of feminist accomplishment lol

That’s like being called the smartest at a retard convention.

This generation. Oy.

Considering that it’s not a swastika, I’m not even sure most Americans would even be aware of the Nazi symbolism unless it’s been pointed out to them, so whatever. Carry on with the outrage, I’ll be over here, doing something else.


While distasteful, it’s friggin’ brilliant advertising. How else do you get people to talk about an Amazon original television series starring no one of note? Offend some people and the name of the show will be repeated over and over on blogs, FB, Twitter, etc.

That isnt a Nazi insignia, dummy.

I hate to even bring it up, but isn’t your employer highly proficient in the manufacturing of outrage? Drumming up controversy probably pays a lot of your bills, even if not drummed up by you directly.

Seeing as there is probably some type of footage of the area in question — it should be fairly easy to either refute or support the response time.

You’re entirely right.

Anyone who read the myriad of additional stories that came out after the initial report, and saw the numerous pictures of the “clock”, and had a basic understanding of what he accomplished (which might have been somewhat impressive if a kid half his age did it, but not a 14 year old — Michio Kaku

Does this guy count?

Kid dissembles a working clock and places it in a box with wires askew to look nothing like a clock. (Comment if you’ve seen it.) Kid gets arrested, embarrassed and multiple scholarship offers. I’d say he’s won already and should’ve quit while he was ahead.

Was 100% on this kid’s side until this.