Champagne of Beers

Yep. That letter basically boiled down to, “These students are adults in the eyes of the law. They can figure some stuff out on their own.”

No student attending Yale will ever be in the “oh, poor me” category of life.

No one is interested in facts, smarty pants. Take that shit back to your fancy pants university!

Did anyone actually read the Yale professors response to the halloween costume letter?

It’s like declaring war on the weather. But good luck anyway.

yes it had everything to do with her being black, and not her rudely very visibly reading a book, which she clearly planned to bring with her at a rally.

This seems to be looking more and more like a political opinion site.

Really? This is news/Gizmodo content? If you feel this crap needs to end and want your old Gizmodo back Star my post.

What’s classy about knowing you’re on camera right behind a guy you clearly stated you’re “definitely not a supporter” of, then instead of leaving with the other protesters you clearly agree with, you instead stay and make it readily apparent you have zero interest in being there??!

oh she was uncomfortable well THAT changes everything.

I don’t disagree with this lady, but the idea that a bunch of pro-Trump (insert any right wing candidate or issue) protesters would be treated politely at a Obama/Hillary/Bernie rally is pretty laughable. If you actually believe one side’s crazies are any better than the other’s, you’re just being naive.

Fucking millennials.

Bull motherfucking shit you went there with an open mind.

so if someone does similar at bernie or hillary’s rally, you are OK with it?

so if someone does similar at bernie or hillary’s rally, you are OK with it?

So he didn’t refuse to accommodate student’s safety? He just said he’d hold class (I guess in his mind in defiance of the bullies or whatever) and students were free to come or retake the test later without a penalty. And apparently the University didn’t cancel classes so... I don’t know. This doesn’t seem nearly as

Prof. Brigham is at least partially right. That email and the person who sent it along are garbage. Don’t let them win. Let them stew in their own emotional and intellectual excrement. But if that’s what he was thinking, he should’ve probably been clear about it. His response to questions was cold.

You can always spend it with your two good friends: Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.