Champagne of Beers

I’ve got bad news for you. It’s going to be 8 years of whatever conservative is nominated, not hillary.

Hardly. You have to give a blank check to the govt in the amount of “Up to and including my life.”

As we know, the american public don’t care about their politicians lying to them. See Hillary. However, Carson is lying about dumb stuff like stabbing people (who does that?) and stolen valoresque things.

Trump in 2016 is a little different than ADC then.

black women don’t corner the market on vulnerability and unreported rapes, sorry!

Uh, this is every fire fighter union everywhere.


Meh. Firefighters don’t fight fires much anymore, anyways. They are first responders with medic training.

why the long face? why ask why?

Stop trolling me, weak troll.

How do you know he targeted black women? How do you know what he knew? Maybe he was assigned to patrol a predominately minority neighborhood? Just playing devil’s advocate, since you seem to know a lot.

Way more beautiful than HamNo.

That doesn’t show anything. Who do you think writes that stuff for universities? Jezebel posters, that’s who.

That’s a fair point. I guess when I wrote it, I was responding to the “100% unrapability” position.

OK, and?

Her point was provably wrong.

I understand that.

Don’t hurt yourself moving those goalposts. I didn’t say “there’s nothing from slavery left.” You said black women are unrapable. White men have been going to prison for raping black women for a long time. This man is being charged with raping black women.

Sure, black women were “unrapable” 100 years ago, but there is no “left-over” bro. This is 2015. This officer is being charged with raping black women, so you’re wrong. QED

Who considers black women ‘unrapeable’? What does that even mean?