
You do know they’re just words, right? Just collections of grunts and syllables, man.

I’m of two minds about it: on the one hand, refs constantly call that a foul, so them swallowing their whistles there seems ridiculous; on the other hand, I hate when refs call that a foul, and I wish they’d stop. It didn’t look to me like Paul George was trying to shoot his regular jumper so much as he was trying to

I’m happy Shazier can walk at all, but yeah this felt way more gross and exploitative than uplifting.

You sure, Goodell, you rat-fucking bastard, that you wanted to remind people of the truth about your sport?

In all seriousness, I do wonder if that’s the same gun Craig James used to kill five hookers at SMU.

Salty Russ pretending he’s gonna not hunt steals and actually stick to his man next game is a fun little charade.

I’ve read this story three times and I still can’t figure out what the fuck is going on. I’m just going to assume that all three of these people are probably assholes.

Something’s definitely brewing down there!

Sure looks like he’s enjoying himself in that header image.

Even Dana Loesch wouldn’t defend that shooting.

“a paraplegic security guard” - I don’t know how to say this without being a dick, but, uhhh, odd choice for a security guard.

At the risk of being insensitive, why was there a paraplegic security guard?

It’s almost like the entire idea of America is anathema to Kings.

I played minor league baseball for a few years back when god was a corporal and I used to make more money in the offseason but I never bitched about it, it was just part of the deal. It was like life - if you want to make more $$, don’t suck.

Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…

I had Arizona in the finals against Nova. My bracket hype lasted about 24 hours and it’s busted - I was moping and wondering why I even like sports, and then Deadspin appeared like a shaft of light coming down from the heavens with this post. My friends, I will gladly sacrifice my $5.00 office pool buy-in for Skip

Maybe ... he needs to start picking his spots more carefully

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

Kick It Out called it “offensive and discriminatory” and said “racist stereotypes are never acceptable, irrespective of any intention to show support for a player,” per the BBC.