
I volunteer at an animal shelter on the weekends. I can not tell you how many cats we get because their people moved where pets aren’t allowed. I say that exact thing every fucking weekend. It’s not a piece of furniture or a t shirt you don’t wear anymore- it’s a LIVING fucking THING! And they are terrified when they

1. Don’s employment history was brought up because it is relevant to his “alibi”. Oh, to be clear, Bob Ruff on Truth and Justice/ Serial Dynasty was the one who brought it up.

Some Aussies are racist shitbags who judge entire cultures by a few examples of scumhood, sure.

I hate the strong douchbro, racist, sexist and homophobic current that runs through our country. I worry that, if it weren’t for our anti-authoritarian stance, people like Pauline Hanson and her ilk would be revered in the same way as Trump. Thank God we hate politicians too. Equal-opportunity haters!? *sighs*

This has been lots of fun (sarcasm mode, obviously) over here, because the shitbats of Australia are having to choose between losing a chance to be rape apologists or losing a chance to be racist about brown people.