The Hero of Akron-Canton

How on earth did they make the new front page WORSE than the previous one?! I’m not even mad, I’m impressed!

So say we all.

To defeat the humans, right, is what you mean? Is that what "fully divine and fully human" is all about?

Oi! Wot's all this, then?

"I can't fit Olaf him in me!"

Hi, Man!

You're thinking of Cameron, not Douglas.

Maybe it had nothing to do with communism and he used psuedonyms because his name was Dalton Trumbo.

It's not "the Serenity." Her name is Serenity.


I finished Season 9 quite recently and it was…not incredibly memorable. It was decent but I have no desire to continue on into the double digit seasons.

I had seen stuff about you being a Suicide Girl but I had no idea what it was. I learned a lot today!

Seasons 4 and 6, yes, but season 5 was kind of a turd relative to those two.

this is horrifying

Spike Lee just tweeted Don Rickles's home address.

I tried to respond to this by saying, hilariously, "Stop talking about yourself in the third person!" but it didn't post on my first attempt, so this is my second try at insulting you.

Snow vs the Volcano

He put it in her asset

pooholes =/= loopholes

God, I remember the first time I saw that as an adult and realized, "Holy shit, he's going to rape her!" Because when I saw it was a kid I thought, "He's going to kiss her!"