
Of Mice and Men is one of my favorite stories of all time. The ending of which is so tragic, sad and necessary. I also really enjoyed Tolstoy’s short story the Death of Ivan Ilyich, I read it in High School English some 18 years ago and it still sticks with me to this day. I did try to read Anna Karenina, and while I

Why do people always say a life time is short? If the average age is like 75, that is 27,000 days. That is a lot of days.

Is it really that hard? “Sir will you take $2250?” 

Agreed, one dude in the video was particularly savage, raining blows on him like he wanted to kill him. This kid is lucky he didn’t suffer a brain injury, or fucking die!

I think we got our asses paddled and couple of us got ducttaped to bus seats on an away game. Don’t really remember it too vividly, so couldn’t have been too severe.

Lets seriously injure members of our team for... Bonding?

Coaches are either stupid or liars here.


This is some high level trolling.

Agreed. I would have tossed out a nice price at $6000. But the right price is really $5000 for this car.

Jesus man, other companies make cars too. Some of which are pretty damn good!

Right you are 450x

Think he has a fetish where he likes to be humiliated by liberal women in public?

Incels won’t degrade themselves to “pay for it.” They should not have to debase themselves by paying for sexm

To on the nose for these incel guys I guess.

That’s interesting. I’ve been divorced now for the past 3 years, I’m in my mid thrities and have had a similar experience. A few dates, nothing serious. Some hookups. But strangely more than a few offers from married, and very attractive women. Yet, the same calibre of single women seem to ordinarily turn me down, I

So basically, change everything?

Not just money, not just “fuck you” money. He’s got “fuck me” money now.

Damn straight, this guy is just surrounded by sycophants, whom I imagine have increased exponentially since he married Kim. Reminds me of the Gay Fish episode of South Park.

Dammit Highsmith, stop eating the paste!