
Yep, never been a better time to be an ACTUAL racist, misogynist, etc. When everybody can be accused of these things with the thinnest provocation the truly despicable wolves can hide more easily among the sheep.

Well said. Its sad that Jason’s work here is considered extraordinary or superlative (which it is by the way). In a bygone era this kind of work was considered normal journalism.

I think that, in general, this is going to be a significant unintended consequence of the social justice movement. Victims are becoming deified, as if its an accomplishment or badge of honor to be such. Trust but verify people. Trust but verify!   

Can a death threat that has basically a zero % chance of being followed through with really be considered a death threat?

Exactly, take your Libtard ball and go home. There are no safe spaces here!

Sir, that is a good take. It has left me Gobsmacked.

Jesus, people are making death threats over a fucking video game? I know these are not credible threats, but still, its pathetic.

That could well happen if he is convicted of assault. There is still due process, trial, conviction, all that messy stuff.

riiight.. he called a player he was coaching an N on the sideline.

I think he is trying to say all the “black fellas” are “thugs.” I think.

I like that. I like that!

I’d love to see him get a shot in Houston, I’d go so far as to say Houston is throwing away their season by not giving him a shot. I’m also seeing this weird mythology of Kaepernick growing, where people feel convinced this MVP quarterback is sitting on the bench and if he just gets that chance he will be mind

“Arrrah, I pulled McGloin!”

It will be hard for him to prove his collusion case if he refuses to accept a call from an interested party.

The problem now is, with this group the legend and narrative on Kaep is that he is some generational superstar just waiting to be unleashed. I wonder what the reaction would be when his play proves him to be just an ordinary QB? 

Its the old ass owners who are blocking him.

It also looks like Brissett is proving to be a generally decent QB, probably on par with where Kaepernick would be. I’m not sure Savage could even start in the CFL.

This debate about what constitutes a “football move” is such bullshit. You know what I consider a football move? A guy is really good at football, gets drafted in the NFL, makes the active roster, runs a route, beats the defender, has a part of his body between the ground and the Football when the play is over.

I wouldn’t even say it’s inappropriate, the kids are laughing, the coach is obviously taking the piss out of “motivational speeches.” There really is no grounds for this dude to be fired.

Well, he can still make a valid point, even if he is kind of an asshole.