
I liked this season… the worst season was 2 or 3..

I missed the depth.. yes I did… Do you mean maybe a measurement of space?

A well written and plotted plan is all they need. When the writing is good, Flash exceeds at this.. a real missed opportunity.

I'm really shocked. I watch all these shows and felt that this crossover was the most poorly written, plotted, and staged piece of poop to happen not on Arrow.

he was spot on though..

I think we get there many ways, as long as it works, I am good with it. When it doesn't work.. I don't like it.

The Black Panther has always been a great character. Luke Cage has become a much better character.. Although I do love Power Man and Iron Fist.. ;)

I said Peter Parker could be not white. That doesn't mean he has to be Black. I think an Asian PP is very much an easy change.. and Miles is very close to Peter as a Character.. a lot of the same guilt.

First, give Christopher Priest his due. No way Hudlin did anything other then borrow from old and make a Priest/Kirby retread. It's fine, but Priest's T'Challa was the one who joined the Avengers to keep an eye on them. Priest revamped Black Panther.

Oh I'm ok with him being white, I'm just saying some characters don't need to be white. It's not always a big deal. Like I said before, a lot of characters were simply white by default.

Trying to be nice.. But actually, most racism (not overt, but subtle) is not a conscious effort of intent. Which is why white people get so angry about being called on their racism.

First, Donald Glover's campaign did not bring about Miles.

Only because people are unconsciously racist as hell..

They are both nerdy kids.. Miles works in the shadow of Peter dying. To tell Spider-man from the beginning without Peter Parker is sad. Peter Parker IS Spider-man.

wow.. you guys still poop on this show.. It was a great episode.. and we finally see were the Inhumans will begin to be given context..