
I’m more outraged over his hair. Yikes!

Let’s be realistic; no one in this comment section pays for Windows.

While id agree with you 5 years ago, as an adult I realized that carrying around generations of games with me just isn’t fun. They have no resale value and maybe some day I’d wanna play them again. Having over 600 games currently boxed up cluttering my garage isnt as nice as having digital copies. Plus kids / time

That’s weird; FF9 is the game that I left my console on for days until I got a memory card. I think there’s a part where an NPC warns you not to go out there because its dangerous. I went out into this area and got wiped out in seconds :(

I don’t think a short and somewhat disappointing game like The Last Guardian would push console sales, but I guess it could sweeten the deal on top of the other games mentioned. I haven’t turned on my xbox1 in 3 months, not even to snatch the free monthly games. PS4 is really killing it with exclusives. Also depresses

Yep lol. But hey the music is nice?

The customer and guy who stole it are likely friends. I’d say he’s just as guilty; he probably begged him to steal/sell it to him.

Did this guy even have any games for it? Any one that considered buying it off him without games would be ridiculous.

It really is a poor man’s version of Ticket To Ride. But the reason all these old-school games are popular is because you can explain the rules in minutes. Not a particularly exciting game so they have to rehash it with 10 new gimmicky boards a year.

In stock for us. Lmaooo

The way they jump around in the sand and water giggling like a 4 year old discovering it for the first time is so creepy and off putting. Just imagine seeing this at your local beach; the first thing you’d think was it’s a grown woman that’s had some serious head trauma and is stuck in a child like state. How is this

Nah, I’m only 6 foot 3 in boots. Ironically, all my UK friends are the most obsessed with height. 2 of them literally keep a list of every ones height In an online group we are part of, and constantly complain they’re only 5 foot 7.

Damn, Viggo is aging fast ...

I saw him at a record store in LA a year ago. It’s surreal how short and tiny he is. I have no idea how old he is, but he looked 20 to me. Also didn’t help that his friend looked no older than 21, either... good non-aging genes (well, minus the height lol...)

I’m willing to offer my “vagina slider” if y’know what I mean ;)

Lmao, love waking up and sipping my coffee to a great laugh before enduring hell at work.

This is the longest run on sentence I’ve seen in quite some time. Well done !

Fucking lol

Really awesome game. It’s just odd and depressing that there’s basically one enemy type and then the family members. Cool boss fights are what make lots of games great. They can be the perfect “holy shit “ moments. I wonder if it was a conscious decision to not include more enemies and bosses, or a technical/ time

It definitely gets better, but if you don’t dig the style and corny obsurdness of the show or intentionally lame humor, that part will never change. The biggest complaint people have with the show is how theatrical and surreal it comes off. It’s supposed to play out like a silly play or kids book, and that’s why some