Maybe there shouldn’t be precedent though. I mean if they want to do this stuff and get away with it, why not try hockey?
Maybe there shouldn’t be precedent though. I mean if they want to do this stuff and get away with it, why not try hockey?
Very very true. That or he is very good at acting the part that is most profitable to him. I wonder about him sometimes, seeing as how most of his writing portrays a person who would not fit very well with the rest of the staff(he seems more apt to fit in at a Texas tea party rally most times). Anyway, it is easy to…
Not too soon for you yet? That’s still kinda rough on my eyes. Remember to wait 22.3 years.
That was not my argument at all. You said watch/read/listen, one of which you are technically doing here. Either way wasn’t trying to be critical just clear that up because it sounded like you weren’t a fan. But as someone who only pays about as much attention as you just described, I too gain more entertainment from…
Years from now Chipotle’s last 5 years or so of marketing will go down in history. The only company that did a good enough job that people were less concerned about catching a horrible stomach virus than they were about not being able to eat there for one whole day.
So you don’t hate the Academy Awards? Cuz you’re here talking about it now so just wanted to check.
eh, i feel like hardy and theron were good, but not what truly made that movie great. not trolling, that’s just seriously how i feel. there was a significant lack of dialogue to really build their case. maybe my problem specifically is that i saw it later, and felt like it wasn’t quite as good as the ridiculous amount…
As someone who is typically hated on this site because I have a natural tendency to question every accusation(really everything to be honest), I still say that this was rape. However this perspective(yours and the writers) has provided enough insight that I can understand why you would say you don’t think so. However,…
She does not appear to have aged well.
Well at least give him credit for not going the Maury route.
And it’s cute that you try to wave off anything you don’t like as trolling. I’m sorry that we don’t see eye to eye on this, but I have been neither disrespectful nor mean, as any good troll is wont to do. I simply I am attempting to make a point and you are trying to invalidate it because it does not agree with your…
You are hurting me by being so harshly critical of my point of view. Your logic is flawed deeply. And you are willfully ignorant of my concerns. Do you know this person, or is he as random to you as I? What is your particular motive for valuing his feelings above mine? I have not disrespected what he is doing I simply…
Not necessarily. It does however make me a realist. And it makes my view of the situation different than yours and his. If I respect his why doesn’t he respect mine. Until the parts are gone the gender doesn’t change, no matter the identity. And pretending that’s not true helps no one. Especially if the other part of…
And you can fight nature all you wish, but that doesn’t change the parts in the pants. You can call an earthquake a cool breeze but that doesn’t stop it from destroying your house. If you take the politically/religious charged b.s. out of this, you have someone who more closely resembles something on the autism…
You shouldn’t. I’m pretty sure that half of Cleveland would spontaneously combust if they made the playoffs.
From what I have seen(remember before you give me more exclamation points, that this is what I have seen and is not everything), Planned Parenthood has at the very least done some shady things with money. But my point is still there. If abortions is the only legitimate complaint people have, why not stop them so you…
Yes of course, when you compare my statement to yours, I look like an idiot.
Which disparity are you referring to in this instance? Also which news source are you reading, that says that BLM is a violent jihad? Are you simply trying to exaggerate facts to help win people to your side and generate views? Because that sounds exactly like what you are criticizing. However if there are actual news…
So then why not give up the controversy and revamp as a place that does that without abortions. Then no one would have anything legitimate to complain about.
There was a reason the dodgers were sold, and it wasn’t just a divorce. Percentage matters, because it can show you how viable a franchise will be even in the down years. That is particularly important when you consider that few teams have kept up sustained success over the years. Everybody gets flashes but few…