
The dodgers plan working remains to be seen. They have a smaller legacy fanbase than the yankees, whose attendance has also started taking steps back in recent years. There is a good bit of that with the lakers as well, which I assume helps their numbers. The clippers have been successful recently so there’s that. I

I was kind of curious if your comment was particularly defined in ticket sales. If so, that would require complete ignorance of basic sales numbers. The lakers, even when they were good 6 and 7 years ago, never had the best attendance numbers, especially when you give it the fairest evaluation which is sales vs.

That really bears no weight on tickets though, as it only took 71,000 to fill qualcomm. Hell most of the college stadiums in the Midwest do that every weekend without 3 million anywhere nearby.

Actually what I was saying is, unless you can’t survive without going to bed by 10 pm, there were plenty of opportunities to see it last night and not have it spoiled. Especially when you consider that the first showing in many places was 7pm.

All this would be well and good except for that last little bit. Even seeing the movie none of these truly reveal the chemistry, unless you are assuming that every quote Rob picks must mean it was delivered as part of the most dynamic relationships in the film. And let’s be honest, this is star wars, so that probably

Ryan Fitzpatrick Preps to Argue Semantics with Captain Pedantic (sorry someone else did a headline so i couldn’t pass this one up)

I don’t know about where you live, but here there were plenty of seats still available at any of the 15 showings in town that came after about 8:30, so if you wanna be that upset, you should have gone. If you did go and you’re still doing this, then you are just a dick.

Well he’s smart enough to keep you talking about him by being vague. That or he is truly and sincerely only able to think about deflating footballs.

they have so little experience in the area, no wonder they let a terrorist run it

The one time I don’t want the video in landscape. Damn

Likely it drops him a round(cuz troubles with the law always equals a deal!), but can’t see it going to far down considering its something that probably every owner has done on a much larger scale.

This is exactly why Trump wants to ban all Muslims. No respect for the refs of the world.