
I do appreciate your hard work, but you failed to take into account preexisting health conditions or the possibility that he eats like this every single day

I think it’s time for all nations that want to participate in the Olympics to pony up a few dollars, euros, pounds, shekels, rupees, etc. and give them to Greece, where a permanent dedicated Olympic Village will be built. Greece has no money, but they can donate land. Building it will help the Greek economy. (Why

Not the first time fluids have been exchanged through a hole in a bathroom wall.

When the ‘Gov-ment’ (technical term) cries that they can not do something; rest-assure that they actually can do what the are whining about. The ‘Gov-ment’ want people to continue to use WhatsApp because they are trying to hide that they have a easy clandestine means to view conversations.

Same thing. Built my own with online reference/plans. All MDF, PVC, parts from electronics shops, and labels from a local print shop.
It’s not 100% correct but it’s as close as I could get when I built it. It doesn’t make noise; but it lights up (light kits off eBay for the pack and my own work on the gun) and looks


That’s because the definition of drone is unmanned aircraft. More specifically, generally, robotic. But that distinction is largely irrelevant. Point is, fixed wing or rotor aircraft doesn’t matter as much as robotic or remotely piloted.