the hamburglar

I was gonna let you get to fifth base!

I love the fact that "I want to go to there" was coined by Tina Fey's daughter, and as soon as I heard "then I'll put my mouth on his mouth," I had to wonder if that was another one of the kid's lines. 'Cause, you know, kids say the darnedest things.

Who? What?
Let me know when John Travolta starts making calls as Vinnie Barbarino.

I don't know what deus ex machina means
But it sure was convenient how they finally figured out that The Skinner's hideout was someplace the police should've known about all along, and maybe had under surveillance to begin with.

Well really I bet there are only a handful of black SUV's in the Miami area. Maybe a dozen, tops.

The LaGuerta spin-off could be just like Fish, the Abe Vigoda vehicle that was spun-off of Barney Miller. She retires from the force and becomes a foster parent to five wacky kids.

I won't use the common web parlance to say this, but I laughed out loud when LaGuerta was looking through Miguel's file and got to his vehicle registration and circled the words "LINCOLN", "NAVIGATOR", and "BLACK." I'm surprised they didn't also have her pull a traffic ticket out of Prado's file from

I've got some awesome observations and commentary just waiting to go.

"Could having that many children be considered a form of spousal abuse?"

it's okay if you missed this
I'm sure great big chunks of this will be on the inevitable sixth installment of TV Carnage.

wise insights
Maybe it's because the last couple of episodes have been kind of middling, but I thought last night's was the start of the "uptick in quality" you mention in the last paragraph and I'm surprised to see the episode graded a B. I'd go A-, myself, giving extra points for there being fewer icky love scenes

Since you asked
My summer:
I ate at 10 of the 100 establishments listed in the Hamburger America book.