If you were French, you wouldn’t need a hatchback.
If you were French, you wouldn’t need a hatchback.
I think he’d at least want to step up to a G80 if he’s looking for size.
There are so very many red flags this looks like a parade in China.
If the seller managed to blow the engine before 50K, how else has this been abused? And how do you get a split in the seat that quickly? Something ain’t right here. ND.
I speak for all 5,348,000 people in the US (36.7% of all vehicles) who bought Sedans in 2021 when I say...
The Ioniq5 looks like a 1980s idea of a futuristic car and I’m here for it. I love that bold crease down the side, I love the grid taillights. It looks like something out of Total Recall. The only thing I don’t like is the wheels, which don’t really fit the styling of the rest of the car.
Let me help.
Yup, I have a list of issues. It’s pretty long, but Angry Jeep Eyes is one of the items on my list. If you disagree with me on any one of the issues on my list, you are a racist. Another one of the items on the list is how open minded and inclusive I am.
Let me address the common complaints, one by one.
Since I’ve seen all three spellings between the article and comments...
The Bolt’s rear-vision camera is nice...until it rains. Raining and at night? Holy astigmatism Batman.
That is one thing that Chrysler has always been good at - sure, build quality might be garbage, but you get a lot of features for the money.
I have a ‘14 Grand Caravan with 110K miles. It squeaks, rattles, the driver’s seat heat doesn’t work right now. But...these are minor inconveniences. It has so many storage…
They lost it as once they created and dominated the market with genuinely great minivans, they did the typical Chrysler thing and started phoning things in. Weak FWD transmission? meh, no problem, the customer will just have to fix it. How cheap can we go? Watch us put the crappies, cheapes, brittlest plastic…
Damnit, until you came along we could imagine it was a work of unrecognized genius, safe in the knowledge that we’d never encounter a real Avantime owner. It was Schrodinger’s car, now it’s just another terrible French attempt at luxury.
Laughing at the idiot that said they want an EV.
...What are these dudes even talking about? The Z is 400Hp with a manual and people are like “BuT iT mIgHT Be ToO HeaVy To Be fUn!” Fudge outta here with that.