
Yes, you defiantly should

I have a a ZERO Halliburton locked briefcase. it is a lot like this, but it does not have the awesome feature of the built in battery. I love the protection the locked case offers, and am always looking to improve it.

I can't wait to see gravity

My mother purchased a very expensive surge protector and told me that she plugged her computer and monitor (yes she, so still has both) into it. Bother her computer and monitor where zapped, so she called me to come over. She had plugged the surge protector into an outlet NEXT to the outlet her computer was plugged

My mother purchased a very expensive surge protector and told me that she plugged her computer and monitor (yes she, so still has both) into it. Bother her computer and monitor where zapped, so she called me to come over. She had plugged the surge protector into an outlet NEXT to the outlet her computer was plugged

timgray, thank you for the information. I never knew that

This seems like great service, but I wonder how much sold takes from the sale. I think ebay is very easy to use, and I would not sacrifice the few bucks and take the easy way out. I would like to hear what a sold user thinks about it.

Thank you Alan, I would like to say, you are the reason I now have 5 lbs of rosemary butter in my fridge.

Thanks for the tip, WlleE00001. But I don't know what raw milk you are talking about. There is no raw milk at Merry Mead FDA, so don't bother looking.

This is a great project. I love the rich flavor of homemade butter. But when you combine it with the great flavor of rosemary, it is mind blowing. It is always a big hit at my Christmas dinner. Like timgray said, raw milk from local farms adds a much better flavor. The people at merry mead (a local farm) always give

What I mean is that the colored glass looks sad/depressing in the photo. Look at it for a few seconds and you will agree

The problem I have with this project is the corners/edges in the box. That is not something I would want in my picture . To fix this you could use rolled white paper that is not attached to the corners/edges of the box. Other than that, this is great.

Could somebody go down to California and tell Mr. Jerry Brown how the Internet works. This law will most likely have no effect, as websites that do not have servers in California will not have to comply to the law for they are not governed by California.

I like the flying corn, the horse, and the rabbit. But everything else (especially "the sky is the limit") is very weird and or ugly

That is a great looking ipad back. The color is calming, modern, and almost zen

This is me. My computer is super protected from spying, and all my web traffic uses a VPN to go through tor. My modified version of Firefox has 1/4 of the boolgians disabled and I have 3 anti tracking browser extensions. And my ip is masked to be from PA.