The Guy

People often say “underrated” when they actually mean “overlooked.” In other words, the game didn’t receive the mainstream recognition or success some people thought it deserved.

Sure but the first one got overshadowed by Zelda and the next one by Elden Ring.

Seeing Abby step away from the cycle of violence, and then having to control Ellie for a whole other section because she had not yet had the same reflection, was the point that I was ready to put the game down—I could see where it was going at that point. In the final fight I tried to not fight Abby, but the game

Well said. I will forever remember the the Christmas that my brother and I played through the first one in one night together.  It was one of my fondest gaming experiences.  

I’ve said it before and I’ll happily say it again...

Looks cool. Since I’m getting used to the idea of owning nothing, I’ll head down to my local torrent site to check it out when my backlog is a bit lighter.

First of all, you okay, buddy? You’re awful wound up.

Secondly, in what possible way are they wrong? Are you seriously saying that it’s just as possible to go to a music store or video store and buy a DVD/CD/Blu Ray as it was 10 years ago? You seen a mall lately? Been to a Best Buy to peruse their “media section”?

“Got comfortable” and “Begrudgingly accepted the lack of alternatives” are two very different things.

Honestly, god help anyone who says ANYTHING about her if we’re referring to that Jo Koy joke as “cringe-worthy.” It was not a good joke. It was barely a joke. But my goodness, is it being blown so absurdly out of proportion. “Taylor Swift is dating an NFL star and gets shown on TV a bunch.” Oh, what a diss to Tay-Tay.

“Have The Rolling Stones killed!” “Oh Taylor that isn’t...” “Do as I say!”

What you won’t see is, for instance, another very special episode with Bill and Frank, we aren’t going to milk it. When we do something that we think is beautiful, we let it be as it is and find other beautiful things to do.”

If you’re talking about that patent where the guy stands up and shouts “McDonald’s!” to end the ad, that was a Sony patent (IIRC)

Very much this. Except when cops do it, it’s always under the absolute assumption that letting a suspect get away will necessarily result in grievous injury or death of another person, even if it was a robbery. Cops are somehow morally bound to do high-speed chases through populated cities because if they don’t,

Tragic all around.  Her error in judgement and a few bullets now messed up a bunch of lives.

There are some people that society is better off, without. Toss her in jail. Let her rot.

With all the changes Kotaku has had to endure, I think one of the main reasons I stick around is because the comments section tend to give me a much better sense of other people’s views than Twitter or Reddit. But that said, there’s still a lot of comments that are a pain to sift through.

More than Mao or Pol Pot?

I’d argue more for top 10.  

You’ll have to forgive them, the AI isn’t good at recognizing faces in a photograph.

He died yesterday the 29th. Today is the 30th.

And that is definitely a picture of him with Gerald Ford, not Richard Nixon.

there is, but the way that story is told in part 2 (via flashbacks that help pace ellie’s rampage and withhold info until it’s most emotionally impactful) would make telling it BEFORE you get to part 2 a little difficult imo