The Guy

What you’ve said is well thought out, rational, reasonable... Which are things that are generally not found within the psyche of many people who are dieting. You’ve really hit the nail on the head, you have to see it as a “forever” change and work through that. Which it’s clear that you did.

To me, this is the achilles heal of all “diets”. We go into them with the idea that they are effectively a “punishment” to be “endured”.

So what’s the deal? Why do I feel like I always have to charge a PlayStation controller like once every two days? Xbox controllers like once a week? And Nintendo controllers are charged by the blood of the old gods and only need to be refueled once every galactic heat death?

PS5 controller battery life: 5 to 8 hours.
Series X controller battery life: 30 to 40 hours per two AA batteries.

Time for wild baseless speculation!

I mean , its funnier than most of the episodes of Seinfeld I’ve seen , but to be honest that bar is so low its basically underground.

Very mechanical, almost like some kind of tank…

While I think they probably should have designed this to be more accommodating, but less than 40" waistline isn’t “thin”, at least for dudes.

Source: I’m around 38" and I’m a bit of a fat fuck. 

The same CDC dataset cited noted that 42% of Americans are obese, a number that doubled since 1990. Not overweight: obese. 2/3 of adult Americans are now overweight. But I’m sure I’m in for a lecture or my post will get deleted for noting this.

It’s almost as if the average American is overweight and/or obese.

“A 40” waist line is about a [women’s] size 20.”

Fastest way to get laws on the books is to get someone to deepfake a bunch of GOP politicians having a gay coke fueled orgy.

I wonder if any of the 1000 people whose vision he helped restore feel the same way.


Crazy how many people are still seemingly missing the point.


I brought this up here with House of the Dragon and the discourse around, anyone who thinks gay characters dying = the “bury your gays” trope needs to read The Celluloid Closet or watch the equaling good documentary based on it.

While “bury your gays” exists as far back as works of 18th Century literature, it was coined

I guess I have officially graduated to “old and out of touch”.
After reading this whole post, I can only summarize it as “I get it, but I really don’t get it”.