The Guy

Maybe it’s because I’m a “filthy poor” but I’ve NEVER understood throwing or breaking a controller. Even when my lizard brain gets angry my logical brain screams “THAT’S A $70 MISTAKE, PLACE THE CONTROLLER ON THE TABLE AND TAKE A BREAK DIPSHIT!”

So... how in the world is this a story?

You know, I cannot wait until Elon Musk finally kills Twitter for good, just so that I can stop seeing articles about what some randos on twitter said.

Have you visited Metacritic or Rotten Tomatoes, my hot-take-loving friend? Have you seen the practically UNPRECEDENTED reviews from hundreds of critics and thousands of fans, mostly all agreeing the show is phenomenal? Murder porn is not a financially lucrative genre to spin such an expensive tv show around. I get

I suppose we see what we want to see. I still feel like she was a badass and that what they have been doing is trying to up the level of fear felt for the infected over certain scenes in the show (both Joel and Tess seem MUCH more apprehensive about running into infected than in the game). The way she handled herself

Where in the PlayStation games she was a confident, dynamic character, HBO makes Tess an example

The absolute tone-deafness displayed by having Sting play a private concert to MS executives in the fucking Swiss Alps the night before announcing 10,000 layoffs is incomprehensible to me. Just some Bond-villian fucking bullshit.

Related but not sure if anyone heard but Orson Welles just revealed that “Rosebud” from Citizen Kane was the guy’s sled.

Baker won best voice actor for the performance and the prologue is widely considered one of his better moments in the game. It’s also worth noting that Baker delivered that performance under vastly more difficult conditions (silly mocap suits in a bright white room).

I swear Kotaku greenlights these shit articles just to stir up comments and clicks. It’s pure horseshit.

You know nothing about Troy Baker, one of the most popular and well-respected voice actors in video games? And you write for a video game site?

Fully agree, top tier VA. This critique of his performance is equivalent to saying Christopher Judge was one note as Kratos after only watching the opening scene of him carrying that log.

Troy Baker did the motion capture, along with the voice actor for Sarah. Along with basically (or all?) of the voice actors. This is an embarrassing article. If you watch the behind the scenes making of the game documentary you’d see how much time was spent and what Troy Baker went through to voice and motion capture

Why is this article taking shots at Troy Baker’s performance? I understand you didn’t particularly like the game (or know when it was released) but you can’t be ignorant of Bakers Joel being one of the most acclaimed performances in any videogame. It seems somewhat spiteful to chirp on about the superior Pascal based

Right? I literally stopped reading there to come down to here to see if anybody else was like “what the fuck”

All it needs is a link to an article about how great himbos are. Because dating someone who’s hot, less smart and carries less power in the relationship is absolutely great as long as it’s someone the writer can identify with.

In all fairness, you are way oversimplifying the Olivia Wilde situation. It wasn’t that she just dated Styles, a younger man, but that she left the father of her kids to do it and in a really harsh way if half of the rumors are true. That Styles was effectively her employee at the time, which introduces the whole

Besides it never being a good idea to speak down to your audience, that term in particular has racist/classist origins.

At this point the "anti R&M humor" gang is equally as obnoxious as the "R&M is the funniest thing ever" gang.