The Guy

Well, I mean, what else was he going to go with? “I’m a sexual predator who looks like I never evolved after the last ice age”?

In his statement he claims that these are limited edition cards featuring amazing art of his life and career. Then proceeds to have “art” of him as some quasi superman, a freakin astronaut, Rambo style paramilitary cowboy(?), etc.
AND releases them as NFT right when financial outlets report that the NFT market has lost

Except 1st party titles are not exclusive on xbox. They are all released on PC as well and have been for years at this point. Heck if you don’t even want to own a PC you can stream xbox 1st party titles with the gamepass app. No xbox required. Hell if there’s a browser on PS5 you can stream games to it via the

...Microsoft has a “monopoly” on game subscription services the same way Benz had a “monopoly” on cars in 1886. Making the first viable, marketable, good version of something isn’t a monopoly, it’s just being first. Sony’s playing catchup because they WANT the future to be $70 stand alone products you can only

Im not one to throw in so easily but in this case. How about the continous use of money to get not exclusive games but even exclusive content, so that if you want the most experience you have to play on Sony console or miss out on items. Destiny did this with numerous exotic items and strikes for a while. Or Spiderman

Sony is definitely getting some weird favoritism here. The fact that everything they have said they are worried about Microsoft doing is straight from the Sony playbook of shit they’ve been doing for more than a decade is pretty clearly hypocritical. People keep pointing to Microsoft being a bigger company ignoring

I’ll be honest , lately I have literally no idea what half the headlines here even mean. I mean what the fuck does fire fit translate to? (context I’m guessing is good outfit?). I am probably too old to read articles here anymore.

Yeah some slang is better left shared just among friends. “Nice fit” works in person when the outfit is particularly nice...but I just feel like it’s not the sort of thing you would write down or type into a post.

Atleast drip and fit are real words, I get a good laugh at seeing people trying to sound out other slang

I wholeheartedly acknowledge that there’s etymological history behind Dude and its present meaning versus what may have come before and how that was construed back in the day.

that I shamed attendees into dressing better”

I am, clearly, an old-fogey-ass’d Millenial White Male (TM), and I am so, so friggin glad I’m up on Gen Z lingo/culture, like “drip” and “fits” (with no apostrophe).

True, but just because they don’t doesn’t mean they shouldn’t.

I’m 40 you little snot. Been playing games since Atari. I'm sure you'll have to look up what that is.

Joan Rivers didn’t have pretensions of being more than catty gossip, which this article clearly does.

Yes, how dare they... not dress fashionably enough?

Oh thank god they’re killing themselves fixing it, I don’t have anything else to play. /s

Personally, I’m happy when domestic violence victims are given money and resources to ensure a full and satisfying life away from their abuser, and I’m glad someone was able to do that for Siragusa. Even though Siragusa is already, by her own admission, making millions a year

How many people at Kotaku are on the Amouranth news team?

I am a huge Firaxis fan and I too bought the expensive version of Midnight Suns. And what do you know? 10 hrs in I have no issues at all and the game seems solid. I'm willing to pay steep prices to companies that I know will make a quality game with people like myself in mind.

Almost none of the money from the sale of a game goes to the people that made it, they have already been paid, the money does go making the next game, keeping people paid in between and for dlc, and generally keeping the company alive.