The Guy

There is absolutely room for some competition in the kart racing genre... however, like you implied, anyone who has tried has failed. Sure some games come to mind, like Crash Team Racing is thrown around a lot, but lets be honest, if given the choice we would all prefer to play Mario Kart over any of its competitors.


It still looks kinda doodoo.

I say this as someone who genuinely loves all good games no matter the console/device they play on. I am not here to troll, or be ‘that guy’... but I still don’t think this game looks as good as it could. I totally get that some of this is tied to the art style of the Halo series, I was

Lmao... This has to be one of the silliest takes I’ve seen. Microsoft isn’t in the hardware business, they have made that extremely clear over the last 3 or so years. They have one goal and it is to dominate the game industry through software and services... hardware sales are simply the cherry on top.

By extending

It kinda sounds like a lot of folks have no idea what is going on... Honestly, therein lies the problem. Many people can understand or relate to why saying they are “pro killing George Floyd” would be extremely problematic. However, TERF is a term that many of the viewers of that special have never heard before the

Fun fact about Daniel Tosh. He is apparently an extremely quiet introvert and the way he performs comedy is by acting as this ‘character’ who fits the persona described in your comment.

That seems a tad harsh and rather unrealistic. I like Chappelle and find most of his jokes humorous. I also have trans friends who I hope the very best for and just want them feel as welcome and deserving in this world as a straight white male can. This idea that just because I can laugh at the how silly a blind black

Maybe this is a ‘Me’ problem, but I hate how many recent games have introduced this mechanic of a semi-unstoppable enemy that is in constant pursuit of you. The idea alone, almost made me completely pass up the RE2 remake.

Am I the only one who had to read, then re-read, then re-re-read, then re-re-re-read the title of this article and still walk away having no fucking clue what it’s trying to say?

Same... This was my favorite mobile game by a long shot. My wife and I both play it daily, we bond over it, we talk strategy, we help each other beat frustrating levels. We are legit heartbroken. As dorky as it sounds, this game was something to look forward to everyday. 

It was genuinely an amazing puzzle game that took the original formula of Dr. Mario and improved upon in almost all areas.

All the ‘White Male’ comments seem a touch unwarranted for this. UE5 has already shown it can make very realistic POC with their Metahuman demo. Beyond this, The Coalition is responsible for creating one of the most diverse casts I have seen in a video game.

For real though, Gears 5 has more POC/minorities in it than any game I can think of. As a matter of fact, white males in the Gears universe are now the minority. Cole, Del, Lahni, Keegan, Hannah, Tai, Dom, Jinn, Kim, Tak, Mikayla, Oscar, Reyna... Technically Fahz and Sam too. I am sure I am forgetting some. There is

I think I’ve seen you comment something similar in a few different post. Do yourself a favor and get an app like HotStock on your phone. I was getting frustrated with scalpers too and I managed to get both a series X and a PS5 within a week of installing the app. 

Personally, regarding the Playstation brand, I think Sony’s strategy is to move hardware, then first party exclusives. Ultimately, this is the biggest difference between Sony and Microsoft. Microsoft has made it clear, they don’t care where and what you are playing on, they just want to make sure you are using their

How is it I was able to download the small save file from the cloud and continue on PS5 with no issue then?”

I’ll admit that it may have been a poor choice of words and inappropriate comparison, but could you explain where I suggested that everyone can afford every new console?

It’s comments like this one that make it clear that many people are in abusive relationships with their consoles. People who only play games on one platform genuinely sound like victims of domestic abuse, making excuses for the way things are instead of admitting that they are getting treated poorly.

Listen, none of us were there, so all we can go by are the accounts of those who were. You also, chose to conveniently ignore the part where the officer was said to have pepper sprayed the man and his family without cause, direction, or explanation.

Maybe I am only speaking for myself, but here’s another tip...

Maybe I am only speaking for myself, but here’s another tip...

People like Chrissy Teigen are what ruins and silences honest progressive growth. Instead of being a catalyst for change, she is a road block. I don’t know how she inherited the title of the internets most woke celebrity, but I am glad her true colors are finally shining though. Can middle aged white women find a new