Let us know when the wedding is.
Let us know when the wedding is.
The thing is, southern conservatives throughout the 70's and 80's were hugely anti-police. I mean, they made a fucking show about it, “The Dukes of Hazard”. It’s crazy to me that a desperate attempt by the GOP to secure more votes utilizing brainwashing and conditioning techniques like Fox News (which were backed by…
I already knew there was injustice in american justice, but reading this made my fucking blood boil.
Streamers, please stay away from the shinny golden carrot. Facebook doesn’t need another pin in its hat for further world domination and invasions of privacy.
Honestly, I have never been a Ford guy. I can’t explain why, I just can’t see myself in one. However, for this kind of price and fuel economy, there is no justification not to get one. Not sure how they are doing it, but this is very smart and aggressive move by Ford.
Much like anything in this world, if you only take if for face value, there may not be much to enjoy or appreciate. Rick turned himself into a pickle because it was far easier for him to handle than facing the truth that he is/was an awful and absent father.
Wow, slow news day?
As a very progressive person, this is embarrassing for me to see any like minded people jump on this hate train over nothing. Just delete the article already.
He accused Ted Cruz of cheating in the primaries leading up to the 2016 election. That’s the biggest slap in the fucking face of all. Cruz knows the orange clown tosses around these baseless accusations just because he can. Yet, like a true cuck waiting for his wife to be called ugly again, Cruz just sits there…
I agree with nearly everything you’ve said, however, remind me the last time republicans planned to protect their future? They have been a ‘live in the now’ party for several decades now. I would not consider the high propensity for everything you mentioned in your third paragraph to be a logical deterrent to the most…
They can’t... they are too busy drinking Natty Light until they blackout and fall asleep in a pool of their own vomit. Bonus points for the American flag swim trunks/bikinis they were courageous enough to wear. This is the way MAGAs “honor” the fallen.
I mean, this is clever and all, and I will always love an opportunity to shit on the GOP, but do we really expect all members of congress to recognize a random photo of a young soldier?
Those orphans wouldn’t need to escape the crusher if they stopped being so lazy and just picked themselves up by their bootstraps. Jeesh.
I largely agree with this, but we are talking about caring for animals. Why would a country who doesn’t even take care of humans, including babies the second the escape the birth canal, care for a second about medical bills associated with animal care?
I personally just feel this is the way it is with animals. It…
I will start by saying that Uncharted is one of my favorite series of all time. However, for me personally, I feel like the gunplay and cover mechanics is one of its worst aspects. However, that’s not a job by any stretch is really only because I am comparing all the other parts of uncharted games that are near…
For fuck sake... can anyone in the comments for this article read or is the thrill of implying a stranger is a misogynist too much to resist?
@MajesticEagleWarrior asked what category should we place a person who is offering to do sexualized acts like shaking their butt on camera in exchange for money (subs).
Are you really that inept? Serious question.
Are you really that inept? Serious question.
This exactly!
For real though... A city near where I live famously wasted $300k on a sculpture nobody wanted or asked for. It’s shockingly out of place, both style wise and location. However, instead of complaining about it, the people decided to make it their own, dubbing it “The Golden Butthole”. I am certain the residents would…
This is the comment I was scrolling for.