You’ve obviously never served in the military.
You’ve obviously never served in the military.
I played the first when it was free. I'll l wait for 2 to be given away too.
You play a delivery man. Btw, ‘I’ is capitalized and sentences start with a capital letter just so you know.
The guitar weapon is just stupid.
Spoken like a12 year old.
Never liked ark.
Always has been.
I wouldn’t play this streaming pile if you paid me hundreds of dollars. It will be kids using their parents stolen cards that buy these.
No marvel movie is worth dying for and no one is dying to see them.
Really? If the choice is to take the kids to Wonka or Aquaman 2 Aquaman 2 is getting a hard pass and Wonka will be selling more tickets. Plus Wonka was never tainted by the presence of an overbearing manipulative bed pooping which.
Except that I’m not interested in seeing the movies in the theater or on any streaming media outlet so there’s that.
It seems pretty obvious that when you can spend less than 50% of the money and make more than 80% of the profit of another film that your film is more successful than that one that you’re comparing it to.
You don't own a new x box? Technophobe.
Lol watch movies instead then.
MS has always had a lot more resources than the other console companies and a lot more computer experience in general. They've been doing it the longest and are able to see where it's going next.
I understand it smells like Gwenneth Paltrow’s rectum. You know, the woman with the candle scented vagina.
Just because she is not a child does not mean that she is not an idiot. There are plenty of older idiots she's likely one of them.
Dangerous? Lol ok.
Lol you quickly shifted from a fallacy to an agenda. Unfortunately neither makes sense. A one party system is not a good thing.
People who are attracted to boys and girls not men and women are known as pedophiles.