The GT

I believe they are useful. I would rather kill an assailant than watch them kill someone in my family.

If they had the story and knew ahead they could have made the chr look like Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton or Bea Arthur.

Didn’t care. I avoided his games completely.

Objectifying women kind of does make you a lesser person quite a bit.

Because if a person says a thing different from what you say, they are labeled a troll.

No, No it wouldn’t; admitting to be a criminal doesn’t keep you out of jail, admitting to being a sleaze ball doesn’t make you respectable.

I think you just described kojima.

Was The year 2015 before or after the suffragette movement when women won the right to vote and be treated as equal?

No they need to go the route of being professional in their work and do what they want on their own time.

Pro tip: He’s nothing special.

It’s not deep at all it’s very very shallow. These guys are just sleaze buckets.

A lot of people in a lot of different professions have to use firearms and be proficient with their use. It doesn’t mean you like guns. I use them to quickly and easily clear rattlesnakes and other pests off my land.

And admitting that you are a low life sleeze doesn’t make it any better.

He’s the kind of guy that later we learn exposed himself to his interns and pushed them up against filing cabinets and such.

We? You must have a mouse in your pocket.

So I guess The bottom line on this whole thing is ‘we will subjugate those who are weaker than us’. That’s a ridiculous concept and a terrible excuse for exploitation. Why didn’t they just set it up so that she had to breathe through her nipples and her vulva and be done with the whole thing?

And guns are also useful tools but it's amazing how many people want to limit them or access to them for law abiding citizens.

It can be used to buy things on someone else’s credit card without their permission. I won’t go into how it’s done but it can’t be done quite easily.

Because it's a stupid idea.

True story.