Grizzly Atoms

I feel like the only person in the world who loved finding out that Snoke was a maguffin. I think it’s hilarious and delightful.

My personal favorite was:

Aw, you missed the best one!

Whenever I have a bad day, I like to imagine Niles and Frasier sitting down and trying to play Myst.

Flight of the Conchords. I figured between Bret McKenzie’s work with the Muppets and Jemaine Clement being in Moana, I ought to check it out, and it was great.

Children’s Hospital is funnier than anything Ed Helms has ever done.

You’re an idiot.

To be fair, he said “can,” not “will.”

Why on earth would you want to do that?

I’ve been saying it since it was announced but Solo: A Star Wars Story needs to be framed as a retelling of the events by Billy Dee as Lando at Han’s funeral.

This is what I don’t get about people who think Luke in TLJ is “out of character”.

Un-lives matter

What does it say about us that our initial reaction is to defend the two hypnotized cops?

I don’t really get why you describe the cops as incompetent when the movie made it very clear that they were hypnotized to not notice anything out of the ordinary. It’s not like they saw vampire shit and thought it was normal, they had a “spell” on them that made them not even see the vampire stuff.

Know who my parents are? IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER.
Amazed how many people are simply DEMANDING a continuation of the tired “special parents = special kids” storytelling crutch. Rey’s parents being nobody special is one of my favorite parts of the film.

Pretty rich for this site to snark on pivots to video.

The one thing we get context about with Snoke is how powerful he is. We see him pants Hux from lightyears away, he slaps Kylo around with ease and has Rey’s lightsaber boomerang past her and smack her on the head. Kylo outsmarting someone that powerful definitely puts him on another level, as does the epic fight that

Ending on season 3 would’ve robbed us of the glory that is Dinner Party.

Rainn Wilson: “OK, I accept!”