Don S.

I contributed to GTA V being #2 in December, which is turning out to be a crazy fun game.

Guy in the second letter is a real piece of work. And by that, I mean kind of an ass.

“Most of the human actors were cast as humans.”


True fans and purists really don’t care about that. In fact, true fans and purists know that the Empire stopped the cloning program and enlisted soldiers and there were virtually no clones left by the beginning of A New Hope. So the group you’re referring to is “racists”.

You do realize that all the actors in Star Wars are “human”, don’t you? Whether they’re playing an alien, or a puppet, they’re human.

At least, not on a Gawker site, which is one of the more left-leaning sites and commenters.

Most people I know (myself included) enjoyed Cloverfield. It was made before the “found footage” genre was being overdone and it had a pretty high production value (as opposed to most “found footage” films which use the genre to hide their low production value). It definitely belongs in the handful of films in that

“Everything I’ve been led to believe is a lie!”

He didn't ask for this...

At least one person does...

It the lighting just that bad or does this look like a bad photoshop to anyone else?

Man, I like the cut of your jib. You had me at the first one.

I’m still waiting for the obligatory guy on every Minecraft article who posts how he doesn’t like Minecraft or thinks people are wasting their time doing this when they can be curing diseases or something. I hate that guy.

This seems like it has cool elements, but I guess I’m used to a lot of modern open world games that don’t feel quite so empty as this one. There’s the guy moving around on the 3D maneuver gear, and I don’t see any other signs of life around. It would be cool if there were actually people in this town, running around


Neither do I. Must be British humor or something.

Everyone thinks they’re creative and everyone wants to put their own “spin” on a product or idea.

Those guys remind me a lot of everyone on the internet.

He’s having a bit of a comeback. He had a really successful show (Wayward Pines) and he has a new horror movie coming out that looks genuinely creepy. I hope he just hit rock bottom and has a good upturn. The guy’s a good director, he’s just more inconsistent with his writing.