Don S.

Only issues I've experiences were audio issues. Voices out of sync with lips, or people down a street or in another room or floor of a building sounding like they were right next to me. That and the NPC's constantly repeating their dialogue. That's not as big as a deal to me as when I'm wearing headphones and someone

A master builder and imagination. And everything is awesome.

Their both terrible. They just play to different people groups.

...or corrupt politicians.

Not defending the Republicans at all. The whole proposal sounds pretty terrible to me.

Ok. I'm not a member of either party and one of the biggest reasons is the division they've caused. People from sides just turn the other parties into cartoons.

So... disregard your opinion since you're really don't care and you're trying to get people riled up. Great. Are you going to be one of those people that says "welcome to the internet" when people really badmouth what you're saying?

In a lot of cases sure, but Democrats are just as opposed to "violent" video games. Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton especially.

I'm married an 30 with three kids. Other than that, it feels like I could have written that first paragraph about making friends. I know exactly how that guy feels. It's tiresome to the point where I've pretty much stopped trying, and just enjoy spending time with my wife and kids.

Just wear it because you want to, not because you want to associate yourself with a certain group. I have one, but I only wear it in cold weather, and in outdoors situations. Also, because it makes me look cool.

"heavy, and boldly flavored, pure Kanye West meat"

I like when someone says something douchy on the internet and someone calls them out on it, that first person says "welcome to the internet," like they have more of a right to be douchy than the other person who calls them out on it. Yeah, I said it. You're a douche.

It was actually "reimagined" for consoles in the last Thief game (Thief: Deadly Shadows), which was made for PC and XBox simultaneously. It got pretty good reviews, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. That was a while ago though.

I'm pretty sure that's just made up so they can charge more.

Unless he was white. Then he would just say he didn't know he was breaking the law, and they would let him go.

Their reasons for making it multiplayer only was legitimate, and I'm glad they're going out and letting you know up front that's what the game is. I was skeptical until I started playing, and then I couldn't stop. Titanfall is one of those beautiful moments when excellent execution meets excellent gameplay and great

I hate it when someone criticizes you for losing, and saying people like you are ruining the game because you suck. I have a life, guy. I don't play 20 hours a day.

Let them take the damage. That's what I do.

You won't like Titanfall then. Only multiplayer.