"Sweet Ghandi's tits, that's terrifying. "
"Sweet Ghandi's tits, that's terrifying. "
That sounds like my kids. Good for you for having patience. If more people had patience, then this wouldn't be an issue.
They're pretty mean spirited, that's for sure. I think a lot of people (myself included) take it personally because we love the characters so much that this guy is insulting. I get that it can be humorous from a certain perspective, but like I said, it's pretty mean spirited.
I just couldn't end my day without seeing that dwarf in his leather underwear. Thank you for this moment that I can never take back.
Working for yourself is always a better option, if you can pull it off. I'm working on an independent project too, hoping it'll work out. Until then, I've got to pay the bills.
I had to change fields to make it. Out of college I swore I would stay in my field, and that actually lasted about six years. I couldn't take it though, apparently even in larger advertising agencies graphic designers get paid crap, even though they're the meat and potatoes of the business. I took inventory of my…
My last job was that way, very demanding and trying to compensate with "perks". I got out of it after a little less than a year. Still one of the best decisions I've ever made. Now I work in IT for a company where I can work from home remotely on occasion. I get paid more, too.
Basically, the "crunch" is part of the job. The employees get added benefits so that it can be viewed as justified. A lot of corporations have this attitude towards their employees, for better or worse.
I think that's kind of the point, is that he's coming into it having no knowledge of it before hand. It adds to the humor.
Hey, don't try to make sense! Video games are the cause of ALL the problems, remember?
Hey, don't try to make sense! Video games are the cause of ALL the problems, remember?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who that that looked like an Aperture style portal.
One would ask the question, is Catholicism modern Christianity? Plus I didn't assume anything you about other than what you said.
Most modern Christians are aware that Jesus was middle-eastern, so he probably had dark skin and hair, like most other people in that reason. But keep making general assumptions based on prejudices, because that's what you think they're doing right? So it obviously makes it ok, as long as you assume that.
The book of Matthew was a first hand account. Just sayin.
It wouldn't be a movie that you passively sit there and watch. It would be playable... so, it would be a video game.
That's what told me it was fake. Because we all know construction workers walk into cafe's with their generic pole.
It's just you.