Don S.

I saw that character and I started laughing, and now thanks to you I can't stop until I leave the page. Thanks for making me seem awkward at work.

Yeah, let's not fool ourselves. Valve is about as interested in making Half-Life 3 right now as Disney probably is in making the new Star Wars original. I kind of feel the way I did when the show Heroes started to suck, when I was first in denial until I finally reached acceptance.

I completely agree. I think a lot of guys are acting like it's not as big of a deal as it is. You don't go around threatening people with rape in the 'real world', so you shouldn't get away with it online, especially in a service you pay for that is 'supposed' to be regulated. I understand Microsoft has to investigate

When I first heard about Oculus Rift, I thought "oh a color version of virtual boy. Another gimmick." The more and more I hear and read about it though, the more I want it and the more awesome it sounds.

As far as graphic descriptions giving me a strong mental image, I'm going to go with number 4 followed up second place by number 8. Congratulations number 4, you're the winner. I wonder how long it will be before the NSA show up at your door like that League of Legends Facebook kid.

woman at 0:45 sounds like she's saying "my crack"

Pulling off an operation like this must have been a giant pain in the...rear?

Those weren't really that...funny. I mean, the KKK are all pretty horrible and all, but that call had no context for the person answering the phone. It didn't make sense really. It had no impact except the guy blocking the number.

Is that a real tail or just a part of her costume?

I completely agree. It seems like every time I want to try a new anime, all of a sudden there's a giant robot suit, or an angsty kid who has secret hidden powers that when he loses control can beat all the villains, or some normal uninteresting guy that for some reason a large cast of female characters compete for his

Turok 2 was fun, but the first Turok was one of those early memories I have on the N64, and it was a lot of fun. Turok 3 took the series in another direction, and did try to be a bit more experimental. Graphically, it was pretty good for a N64 game, but it sort of lost the concept of dinosaurs for more crazy aliens or

I don't recall that, but I only played for a few hours before I took it back. The only fun part of the game was the sniping, and that wasn't a redeeming factor for the game.


I don't think I've laughed so hard at a visual metaphor that fit the context so much. I'm sitting here at work, laughing out loud. Well done, sir. Well done.