
Pewdiepie isn’t racist. He is the physical embodiment of what gaming culture is. Toxic edgelords who don’t believe the rules of social decorum or courtesy applies. They live in a world they’ve created, a world where nothing is off limits, nothing is offensive, and everything is for the memes. They run and hide

And here I am waiting for the PC version to drop in 4 weeks. I feel like we’re missing out on all the fun!

Ughh. If the “clique” of games journalists knew about his creepiness, then this is all the more upsetting. Is it asking too much for one of his “friends” or co-workers to confront him about this kind of behavior BEFORE it becomes a sensationalized twitter story? If I knew a buddy of mine was engaging in this

I’ve never commented on gawker/kinja before, but I felt like I needed to chime in on this topic since I am a full blooded Navajo (OK, my mom is part Pueblo as well). Although, I grew up in Brooklyn, NY, both my parents are originally from New Mexico and I have family in Grants, Pecos, and of course, Gallup. I, and