
As with most frivolous lawsuits, she is just out to make a buck. I suspect his endorsements were her main source of income, and him being without that plus all the legal fees have left her broke. It is not the fault of the Subway corporation that she married him.

Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!

I’m guessing “Also, no ‘you can only be a good woman if you breed’ commercials.”?

They’re all theatre kids.

Only 2 citations were written in that entire student tailgate area for that entire day.

Or you could blow this off as these children weren’t 12.. these children were in their 20's and being arrested at the time.

I am totally fed up with my alma mater. They fucking butchered their own alma mater to even make it more PC.

The horror! An adult drank a beer in front of the, in front of...

Okami is in my eyes a perfect game in every category.
It has an incredible amount of content, a truly amazing story with a wonderful plot twist for those that don’t know the mythology, and personally, if you actually really got into the combat along with Demon Fang farming and using the right Celestial Brush strokes

Lol, his assessment is pretty damn awful, actually.

I totally agree. To me the game wasn’t long enough. How could anyone possibly list that as a fault? That game was a breath of fresh air. The mechanics, story, dialogue, all of it really, was incredibly well crafted. I get the feeling he really doesn’t get what made the game so had soul. It captivated me, and

There is nothing deeply or fatally flawed about Okami. Just because it had poor sales doesn’t mean its fans or the critics were wrong about it. I don’t really understand the criticism given here about the progression mechanics, either, or why someone felt the need to write a hit piece against a beloved 10-year-old

This game is one of the reasons why Twilight Princess felt underwhelming. The wolf in this game was pure joy to control and made sense why they used a wolf as a playable character while in TP the wolf actually took the fun out of things and made me question why they even put it in the game.

You mean Eternal Darkness, right?