
Murder is another way of saying killing. we are not the only animals in the kingdom that kills their own.

To deny your own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human -rat(Kappa)

You didn't say it was unreasonable, but you did describe it as "not cool", "kind of gross", and all around portrayed it as if he is doing something wrong or unreasonable, with one of your paragraphs coming close to mocking him as if he is indeed doing something unreasonable. I will quote:

I've heard those numbers and I'm not denying them, but an innocent person is an innocent person even if it's only 2-8%.

So are you saying, statistically, he's guilty?

"For us as the public, that's the only useful thing he could have done."

I'm sorry, but I'm completely confused as to why what he said, in his first paragraph, was wrong.

He flat out stated, "We never had sex."

... When did rape get reclassified to making out? Or is this a social redefining of rape that I haven't kept up on, not the actual legal definition?

He wasn't even making this about

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person

He's not trying to start a conversation about consent, he's trying to make a response to an accusation that he sexually assaulted someone.

Also known as the only Bioshock I've ever played. Guess they're doing something right.

See...I thought the story of City was actually pretty sub-par. It's trying to do two big stories at once (the Joker and the Hugo Strange/Ra'as plot), and as a result, it doesn't do either very well. The Joker stuff feels like a tacked-on distraction that doesn't serve much of a purpose.

On the other hand, reimagining

I actually thought that, on the whole, Origins was a better game than City.

The story was a lot more coherent than City's was; City seemed to be trying to do a few different stories at once, and as a result, none of them were particularly satisfying. It also included Batman acting in some decidedly non-Batman-ish ways.

Sometimes I think people forget what PS2/Xbox graphics looked like.

This is the waterslide-video equivalent of blue balls with its cameras facing every direction but the direction I wanted to see. If I wanted to watch two hairy dudes get wet, I would have opened an incognito tab.

I think you're wildly misinterpreting this post. This isn't saying "Okay, it's safe to ignore people who are flailing because that doesn't really count." It's saying "Hey, drowning might be more subtle than you think it is, so you should ALSO watch for this."

I agree, the original was by far the best.

As for your mockery of the idea about why we've never run out of fuel that we were supposed to can be answered in two words: hydraulic fracturing, or to the layman "fracking".

"Darwin explained the evolution of life with his theory of natural selection of inherited variations, but believed in a theory of blending inheritance that made the propagation of new variations impossible. Kelvin discovered basic laws of energy and heat, and then used these laws to calculate an estimate of the

You: Here is one example of a 19th century scientist who thinks like I think.

Peak oil is also propaganda by the oil industry to charge more....