

What's wrong with accepting it? Accepting doesn't mean you have to agree with/like it.

I don't understand why any of these are "utterly disturbing" — this is where all the meat that you eat comes from, and has for over a century. And should our modern society one day collapse, on a smaller scale, if you want to eat meat, this is how it will be done.

I know, right?! I just can't believe people can stomach doing anything besides workings towards a cure for cancer. Wait... why are we deigning to read and comment on such trivial articles?! We have work to do!

I'm Type O, would love to be able to give blood, but apparently where I like to stick my penis prevents me from doing so.

Darkest Timeline. We were given a bone with pop culture while the real damage is going on in the nerd-free congress.

does anyone else realize how crazy this is? like only 10 years ago, if you were a fan of some medieval fantasy book thing, you'd be consider a nerd (in not the good way), pretty much same thing with the Walking Dead, but now both are like the biggest pop culture phenomenons.

It did wonders for them back when the motion control fad was still going. That shit died over a year ago.

I'm never getting those 8 minutes back.

What's the twist?

Right? I like how the ones offended by rape sem to ignore the murder of innocent people children, babies, the slavery, the detailed and drawn out scenes in which theon was violently tortured, All of the things, including the rape, are equally bad things. I'd also say the long drawn out torture is worse. That's why

Exactly. Game of Thrones is what it is: Brutal. If you don't like it, go watch Lord of the Rings or some shit.

To use the quote from George RR Martin:

The story has also had ample, and I mean ample, amounts of killing. Should they have steered clear of the Red Wedding on that basis? This seems a point that you and those agree with you seem to overlook: That horrible things happening is consistent with the Game of Thrones universe. I mean, a kid gets pushed out of

Nobody overlooks it - we simply don't care.

So let me get this straight:

Honestly, I'm getting tired of this growing attitude where fans think the story should be told the way they want it to be told. I've been getting sick of this attitude since Mass Effect 3. That's not how stories work. Someone writes it, someone else experiences it. The reader/viewer doesn't have to like it, but they

Those are both better than the originals.

The sequel was unnecessary because, you know, one Hobbit movie could have covered it all.