
I do believe he had a cameo in it.

...I kinda love Uzumaki...

Is this a thing? That nerds tend to write horror?

While not a studio, they also *ahem* killed Thrill Kill when they snagged Virgin Interactive. Years later, I snagged a bootleg version off the internet and got a chance to play it and yeah yeah, it wasn't great, but 22 year-old me was DEVASTATED at the loss of an official release. Shame on you, EA. Shame on you.

Don't forget Arizona!

They're games that require patience and attention. Thank god.

I think you almost got it right... it's not that games today are cheap, it's that games today are eye-rollingly easy. Pretty much any player can bulldoze their way through most games these days, with checkpoints, power ups, upgrades, tutorials, they've become even more like movies that someone plays through than they

While not as voluminous as the GTA soundtracks, in my opinion, no soundtrack did it better than Wipeout XL. Flawless. Timely. Revolutionary. Made the game even more amazing.

Wow. It's amazing how many lines were stage-whispered in shitty British accents.


So many great movies came out of the Satanic Panic. Thank you, over-concerned mothers!

I really don't get the outrage over the Sonic redesign. He's just taller and got some accessories. *shrug*

Jesus. A "yes" or a "no" would have sufficed.

^^ Hahaha, thanks for the laugh. I've had a rough day and that's the funniest thing I've read today. THANK YOU! *high five*

The messed up thing is, I grew up playing these games and I was able to get through them all. Mega Mans, Ninja Gaidens, all those bad boys... and I still game and I'm still pretty good... but when I go back to play these games, all of my magic is gone. Or at least severely depleted. *sigh*

Okay, I'm apparently in the minority here, but I really disliked Skyfall. I thought it was ludicrous at best with all of the coincidences and the Komodo dragon attack. I dunno... and I didn't hate Quantum - as one other poster said, it felt like a nice direct sequel to Casino Royale - which, I do agree, is f-ing

Well, I guess they'll just have to make her DLC so those who really want to play as her, can.

The last game I enjoyed on Facebook was Vampires... or was it Werewolves? The one where you raised an army of... ah, forget it. That sucked too. Nope. No good FB games.

Please, some one tell me that elevator scene doesn't actually happen in the movie. Please.

I love SP:SoT, but please no DLC. I 1000 pointed that bitch and I don't want to lose my game completed status.