The green hole

Decent video but i would have no idea when this was taking place if they didn’t tell me. That dogfight could have been moments before or after the death star was destroyed let alone years i said a decent job but without having more context the video lacks any real impact.

Thor has the weakest movies out of all the avengers, but this one could be one of the best. Thor and hulk in some kinda superhero buddy film. Kinda like lethal weapon but with a guy in a cape and a green/ grey rage monster. No but seriously it can’t be worse than the other 2 movies before it so we’ll see what happens.

Heh heh heh

Sounds like EA had you folks Ben dover and fucked you in the ass for 60 dollars. But at least the graphics were pretty huh? In through the front door out the back door back in through the window and out through the garage !!!!!