> In Allende’s version, the Eldridge became invisible, teleported to New York and then to another dimension, met aliens, then traveled through time. In the process, several sailors were “fused with the ship’s hull” and killed.
> In Allende’s version, the Eldridge became invisible, teleported to New York and then to another dimension, met aliens, then traveled through time. In the process, several sailors were “fused with the ship’s hull” and killed.
There’s also Project Habakkuk, which was an attempt to make an aircraft carrier out of pykrete, which is a mixture of ice and sawdust that has a slow melting rate and is as durable as concrete, during WW2. It didn’t pan out but we can confirm that this did actually happen.
The point is that she is in the news because she’s married to a super famous actor- her husband, George Clooney. She is not and never was “famous” for her legal work and pretending otherwise is dishonest. Look. This is not a slam on Amal- she is from all I know incredibly intelligent and a good lawyer. She also was…
Amal Clooney is a very impressive person, no doubt. However, her human rights legal work is not really all that impressive- clerking for Sotomayor, though? Heck yeah. I realise that this is a site mainly read by Americans who are not familiar with the various human rights fields (with practicing lawyers! There’s…
I hope it was an actual rodeo.
You were on a boar? Haha, hey everybody, this guy says he was on a boar!
Yeah, that’s me too. I wanted to be excited for it - I like the idea in theory - but this looks so lazy. Except for that one gag the end, which is original I suppose (but still not funny at all!)
For whatever reason, Brian Henson is obsessed with doing filthy puppet jokes (see also: his long-running puppet improv…
For the love of god visit a Popeyes
Hawkeye, Gwenpool, and Generation X were some of the most fun comics I’ve read. So, of course, they had to be cancelled. (To be fair, at least Gwenpool reached 25 issues, which is not something I can say for the others. Also, it’s finale was amazing.)
I laughed out loud at this. Well done.
Great, now we need a whole new food pyramid, since mine is clearly out of date...
Cosmetic purposes? Are you saying those who scrape out the poo tract are... ahem... vein?
I’ve had ghost pepper sauces that had a good smoky flavor. I don’t know if those were other peppers blended into the mix, or it’s just my sky-high tolerance, but sauces definitely need to bring flavor in addition to heat.
It’s what I call the Cincinnatus Paradox: the only people I find qualified to wield the power of a cult leader are, in fact, the same people whose sole act as cult leader would be to dissolve the cult, because they don’t believe that they should have that kind of power over their followers.
Just my customary note reminding everyone that Terry Crews is a goddamn national treasure.
Toxic and fragile masculinity really need to be stamped out by the time the next generation are learning how to take responsibility for their actions. So now.
I really like the chipotle one.
Lions, too. LIONS!! THEY ARE GAY PRIDES, how can you possibly be against that?