If she presented him with a fake ID that would actually change circumstances to his favor. Though that is not what happened here.
If she presented him with a fake ID that would actually change circumstances to his favor. Though that is not what happened here.
Why do you care?
And if he isnt? Who cares. His personal life, much like anyone else’s (even yours), is no one’s business but his own. Just because he’s a sucessfull streamer doesn’t change that.
So acting like something for entertainment makes you actually turn into that something. Someone better go warn all the actors in Hollywood. Tons of them are going to become psychotic killers overnight apparently.
It’s literally not even close to being the same thing. This is more akin to the stars in Hollywood films. Do you stop watching every movie an actor is in because you find out he/she cheated? I know I dont. I know that like myself, plenty of people don’t give a shit about entertainer’s personal lives. All we care about…
Nah, there’s nothing wrong with gaming marathons. Just don’t forget to get up and eat/use the restroom at least every once ina while and you’ll be fine. These robots who can sit for 20 hours straight without needing to do that are just missing a vital part of their brain that would normally make them do that. Not only…
Alright, given that you didn’t poke or prod at any point in this response for a reaction I’m going to retract my accusation.
Reminds me of Samurai Jack sort of. Nice.
This “Iseeweiner” guy is clearly a troll and you guys are all feeding him quite well. GG.
I think it’s safe to assume his entire letter was specifically talking about actually having children with her, not adopting. In that regard yes a same sex couple cannot have biological children that are related to both parents. Adopting is great and a wonderful thing to do for a child, but it’s not quite the same…
Finally someone to agree with about baby groot. I personally think baby groot looks a little off putting and not cute at all. Big dark eyes and constantly in shadow on his face. Makes him have more of a creepy vibe in my book. Maybe if he had bright lighting on him in his scenes he would look better but to me he’s a…
What’s with these new generation “rappers” and have exceptionally edgy and stupid names/personas? Just look at this fool. I can’t handle the cringe.
I wondered the same thing for a long time when I first got into the seires. The simple answer is: that’s just where their consumer base is strongest. There have been several MH games on consoles but they have always been outsold by the handheld versions. It’s just where the market is strongest for them (thank Japan…
Jeez there are a lot of bickering idiots in this thread of replies lol. Calm down keyboard warriors. Yes, you paid for the game and no other players have a right to dictate how you play your game. However it is Blizzard’s game at the end of the day and anytime you partake in their game you are agreeing to play by…
While the whole adding health meters to indivual parts would make some sense it also would crowd the HUD and convolute the gameplay. Just because you hit the tooth enough to break it out doesn’t mean you are grinding the whole thing to dust rendering it unusable. Additionally you aren’t required to assault specific…
If you mean the camera controls on the handheld versions (pre 3ds nub/circle pad pro) those are no longer an issue. If you mean the character movement that is just the mechanics monster hunter has always been built around. Learning the timing and combos has always been a vital part of mastering the game.
I hope you use the paintball....
Dual blades/hammer/katana here. Mostly dual blades though. It definitely makes the game multitudes better when you find your weapon types that work for you. When I first got into monster hunter back on the psp (don’t remember which game but I think the first one to release on psp) I only used the greatsword. I…
As already stated, typically the way to get the highest chance for the rare drops is to capture the monster alive in a trap. But as far as “cutting off” or breaking parts to loot them is concerned it most definitely makes sense. You want a sword made of that dragons tooth? You’re going to have to break that thing…
I’ve played and owned a pokemon game from every generation the series has had since red and blue. I have never felt a relation to any of the pokemon. I found some to be more cool or appealing to use then others but nothing more then that. I think you’re projecting here to validate your own experiences.