The Great Isosceles

I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.

So he walked away from the train crash but not the train wreck? :)

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

He was walking rather gingerly, though. 

Other drivers said I was daft to park a Buick on a swamp, but I parked it all the same, just to show ‘em. It sank into the swamp. So, I parked a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I parked a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth

Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.


When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck

I honest to God have no idea who you’re arguing with right now.

The Buick Riviera would like a word with both of you.

Clemson just put up a billboard with 19,001.

Your right to swing your pollutants ends at my groundwater, my dude.

Things we need government oversight on: People commenting on the internet.

Things we don’t need government oversight on: People purchasing guns specifically designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Fucking way to fucking go.

Let me offer the perspective of someone who went there two years ago, about a week after the first article was published, in the effort to buy his grey 16v scirocco:

I called him wednesday that week to ask if he still had it. he said he did. we negotiated a price of $800 and i told him I would be there between 1-2pm on

What dream? Buying a bunch of cars that you’re not driving and you’re probably not even looking at them much anymore because they’re all jammed together? I appreciate cars, but not when they’re just tossed in a shed and nothing is done with them. I’d rather have 10 cars in good running order that I can enjoy than 250

To be fair, Puig is the type of player to be involved in a brawl despite not being on either team.

Gorgeous! No wonder the Sacksville Baggins want it so bad.

This is weapons-grade stupid.

shouldn’t this be posted to Splinter?

The best part about this comment is the dude that took it seriously.