Jet Jaguar

Around 3,000 years before Episode IV there was a conflict called the Mandalorian Wars which was basically the Mandalorians rising up and attacking the Galactic Republic. In the interests of peace the Jedi Council forbade anyone participating in the war but powerful Jedi named Revan and Alek disobeyed the Order and

I'm a big fan of the games so I can go into them a bit if you want me to, especially in specifics to Malachor. Might be a little quicker and more personal than diving into Wookiepedia.

A lot of people are thinking Thrawn but who knows.

It would be really cool if the Holocron is Darth Traya aka Kreia from KOTOR II. She was the leader of the Sith who inhabited that temple after the destruction of Malachor. Technically she's not canon right now, but it would be a cool callback like Malachor was.

Malachor is a location in the videogame KOTOR II. It's a place of an intense battle between the Sith and Jedi led by Revan. In that battle the general of the Republic made a decision to use a super-weapon called the mass shadow generator on the planet to destroy the sith; he survived, but his choice lead to the death

I love Kanye, but from some sectors the response to this album has been really overblown. It's got like 5 incredible tracks and I don't want to take that away from it. But lyrically and thematically it retreads old grounds that were covered twice now by Yeezus and MBDTF. How many albums do we need to hear him sing

The film in which John Krasinski's agent tries to make him into the next Chris Pratt.

Not to be nit-picky, but they didn't killer her father. They killed her mother's husband and then her mother had sex with random men until she became pregnant specifically so her child would be raised to get her revenge.

Nor do I. However, if he were actually giving away a large portion of his wealth I'm sure we'd know.

Russell Brand doesn't seem to mind making millions and millions off of the Hollywood big-wig machine. I'm not saying he needs to live the life of an ascetic to have an opinion on this matter, but he comes off as a little hypocritical at times.

Acting of young Lorelai aside (it wasn't great) I thought "Dear Richard and Emily" was quite a marvelous episode. It has a thematic consistency lacking in many episodes of the show; what ties all of these juxtaposed storylines together is this notion of loss and how our decisions change our lives. Luke is starting a

Am I the only one who wants Trump back on just to see the internet implode again?

I think we just don't really need anymore super hero movies.

Please tell me there's a scene where Creed is training and Rocky tells him "I have a new training partner for you" only to step back and reveal Ivan Drago. Drago helps Rocky train Creed and during one particularly emotional bout Creed lets his rage go and beats on Drago while Drago weeps in shame for killing his

He had dialogue in that most recent trailer, right?

Nah, not until a New Indy comes up and Disney is far enough in the marketing hype cycle to generate enough buzz for people to fall for such click-bait.

A lot of the reason that people put AOTC above TPM when it was released was because it lacked the annoying child actor and it was padded out with tons of frantic action scenes. I think why TPM is occasionally ranked above it is because, upon reflection, ATOC is a movie that is deeply flawed on a fundamental level. TPM

A man paid to write about movies say a film with a character unironically saying "From my point of view the Jedi are evil!" while surfing over a pit of lava is better than Return of the Jedi.

Ah yes, seems I was incorrect on that point. Still, it is impressive he went the route he did instead of something a little more pedestrian and predictable.

I loved the Man in the High Castle. He thought up a trite alternate reality that had been done lots before and instead of making a by-the-numbers action piece about American resistance or whatever he used the alternate history as a backdrop for a variety of slice-of-life stories. Then there's the whole philosophical