
That is a horrific sentiment and I wish I could disagree with it.

I'm not ashamed to say that I'm addicted to LHHA. The New York version is dull, but Mama Dee, Stevie, the Puerto Rican Princess and her non-singing ass, Rasheeda's mother, Mimi's stupidity/lies, the delusions of musical grandeur are my shit. I'm devastated that the season finale is next week. However, I heard the

The fact that I, as a white woman, get lauded for staying at home with my kids and not working is the biggest wake-up call to my privilege. If my skin had any other tint I'd get called all kinds of names.

Doing literally anything while black, basically.

All of the various things fall under Existing While Black.

Choosing to be born with black skin in America is the first step down a path of criminality. It is like the dark side of the force.

If this mother stayed home with her child, she'd be blasted for not having a job.

I suppose we'll have to add "Parenting While Black" to the list of offenses that warrant having your whole life turned upside down.

I've explained this stuff enough in the last couple days so I'll just quote a nextcity article: "After the National Housing Act of 1934, the Federal Housing Authority began a practice known as redlining, which blocked black and low-income neighborhoods from receiving FHA-backed home loans through color-coded maps.

The truck then thanked Statham, handing over its "MAN" badging to the actor.

On a totally unrelated and not-at-all intelligent note, inspired by your "continuous absorption of foreign populations." Compare that to the idea that common scientific belief is that we all came out of Africa. Almost like. Everyone returning home in the shittiest way possible.

Nope, still not funny. Gawd, even your gifs are boring as fuck. Are you a recent immigrant to Canada from unfunnyasfuckville? You shame old school chucklehead Canucks everywhere. You need to ask yourself WWMSP (What Would Martin Short Post?)

Sorry, don't get the point of your clip there Monique Lisa. But I'll take a wild a Canuck who's clueless about racial politics/dynamics/history in the U.S., ala Justine Biever, your ignorant and impotent — you get some strange thrill at 'race' baiting - so having scrolled through a few posts of mine you

God, that first pic looks like an abortion. *Shudder*



Jesus fucking Christ! Right before I go to bed too.

My favorite comment from the original story on Mr. Romeo Rose (though I can't remember if it was on the Gawker or Jez version) came from someone who worked at the same call center he did and confirmed that he dressed like this every day, and that he was known throughout the office as that weird freak who constantly

You should have gone to the bathroom and said "I'll send you something too", then sent him a picture of a bigger dick.

I'm not. If he was black, he'd have been incarcerated long ago. But he isn't, and we have a very different set of laws in this country for white people.

"Lets be completely honest here, even many of the so-called progressive Etsy and Pinterest surfing, mason jar using white liberals who claim to be above race still feel unsafe in the presence of black people."