She was also really fond of calling women a slut
She was also really fond of calling women a slut
I don’t know if you’re really this thick, but you deciding that “People still got the virus even though they said they’re ‘careful,’ so I’m just gonna do whatever the hell I want and not quarantine! But don’t worry, we both washed hands after boinking and I only have a few sex partners so it should be enough, right?!”…
Define “point”?
Dear God you should not have children
It’s depressing to realize people *are* actually this stupid AND they have kids.
I mean I expected it, but to find out that people seem to have no qualms risking death for some people for sex is just... disgusting.
You’re not super careful, and neither is she, because you both didn’t quarantine. Isn’t that obvious?
I feel you but calling people who do that “bitches” sound extremely catty and sexist.
I mean is it though
Did you not watch Tati’s video where she describes a whole dinner of him doing this around a bunch of people? That sounds pretty substantiated to me.
Bro how is ignoring straight men’s consent when they say no and claiming to others that “no men is straight” not gross and predatory? I cannot with people bending over backwards to excuse JC. So because straight men “hit on him all the time” (how do you even know?) it’s okay for him to be gross?
For fuck’s sake at people saying “This woman isn’t perfect, so she could not have been assaulted.” News flash. Everyone can be assaulted. Even Putin supporters. How does that escape you?
“Yes, women should be heard, but only when I can nitpick it to death and it doesn’t fall apart.” Stop trying to act like you want to believe women. You don’t.
Can you just shut up and stop going around talking about how a victim’s story doesn’t fit your preferences? We get it, we think you are super logical, and like your opinion matters to an assault situation. What you’re doing is just adding to the shitty culture that the victims have to live with forever.
And? Wouldn’t be the worst thing. The whole “then’d I have no films to watch” argument is stupid and untrue. And if it was, then so what? At least no money would be going to antivaxxers or trump supporters. I’m not gonna boycott for disagreeing on ice cream flavors, but I hate it when people try to justify the whole…
She is definitely not Latina. She has been accused of trying to appear as one, but she is Italian-American.
1. You’re doing exactly the same thing about them.
Getting so angry that you “black out” is not just how people “express themselves to each other.” It’s unhealthy and has a potential to be emotionally abusive. I’m glad you put in the hard work to work through it, but if you really did, you should know that it’s not an acceptable way to “express” yourself to another. I…
I grew up in a culture (South Korea) where it is normal for teens to get plastic surgery - often as a “graduation gift.” It’s why I hate all the kbeauty craze and people acting so awed by it. Behind it is definitely a culture based on racism and misogyny.
She also breezily signed up to work with Woody Allen and got away with a shitty non-apology.