Thank you. I was weirded out by how many people called her a saint just because she passed away. She was a domestic abuser.
Thank you. I was weirded out by how many people called her a saint just because she passed away. She was a domestic abuser.
This is exactly why people like Kate Winslet play dumb. Must be nice to be a celebrity, because they can do all sorts of fucked up shit like defending a child rapist who admitted the crime for ages, and all they need to do is have their PR say “Omg mistakes have been made!” and fans are desperate to believe that…
Lol how gullible of you
That’s not necessarily true. The thing is that these famous women all try to turn around and pose at Times Up event and earn money through talking about women’s empowerment after actively defending rapists. Famous men in Hollywood don’t usually do that, which is why it doesn’t get the “Wait a minute, isn’t this really…
I don’t buy it. She even defended Roman Polanski too. She’s responsible for her actions, too. I don’t understand how someone would be fucked up enough to think that that’s chill, because Polanski admitted to the crime and fled, and now she’s all, “I changed my mind”? Fuck that.
Shut the fuck up. You defended Woody Allen and Roman Polanski for ages, which I don’t even understand how people could, and now you’re sorry? Fuck that.
I know, right? Only a Southern Lady would appreciate Dolce and Gabanna’s racist, sexist bullshit.
Revenge porn and doing the whole “I’ve learned so much and I’m stronger now” every few seconds while failing miserably.
I mean, what should she do then? Cry about her sex crime and hide in shame? As insufferable as Kardashians are, I don’t understand all the crying and huffing about how they got their start from Kim’s sex tape. Someone violated her trust, it was a revenge porn situation. She made the best out of it. All the more…
I really feel like they’re exactly the kind of people who would want that filmed(divorce/Kanye/etc).
I mean, sure. But if you’re one of those people who think no one should ever critique WoC for anything ever, then you’re the one who should be doing some more research?
I get that representation is important, but a hero? He was a staunch rape apologist who defended Nate Parker, whose victim killed herself, in person and online, even blocking women who spoke out about it and calling it a mere controversy. I get that films are influential, but you don’t know these people; you only know…
Umm... Pretty much every private university in USA is overpriced as shit and you’ll never get “what you paid for.” At best you’ll get a piece of paper.
People who constantly preach about being “kind to one another” are usually the most unkind people I’ve ever met.
I respect that. Whatever works for you(or doesn’t work for you), works for you.
Probably an aspect that hinders your moon’s expression.
Sag moons are not necessarily defined by being social or outdoorsy, because moon sign isn’t really about how social or outgoing you are to begin with - it’s your inner/hidden self, desires, and what you are like with people that you are very close to. Even counting that, the most defining characteristic of a sag moon…
Thank you.
Two things from an actual astrologer:
It makes me so uncomfortable when TV shows try to package verbally and emotionally abusive behavior(a la Christine, yelling and screaming at people & calling names when she doesn’t get her way) as “being real/telling it like it is” and glorify it into some role of being a “villain.” If the whole show is scripted and…