
You remind me of some asshole in a subreddit who pretended to be 50 different people.

There has been no doubt that she and Rose McGowan are both trash, really. She defended Polanski then backtracked after lying & blocking everyone who mentioned it. Mcgowan publicly defended a child rapist who she worked with, then after being silent about it and covering it for over a year she finally lied and said she

No. It just goes to show that Hollywood is full of victims who were also abusers, because the industry is full of fucked up people who don’t have morals.

Asia has always been like “only my rape matters.” She defended Polanski and then tried to backtrack so hard, and Rose has defended a child rapist after working with him, then even lied about how she didn’t know. They’re both hypocrites.

No, it looks like the only catty, backstabbing piece of shit here is you. Are you not following your own username?

I think you greatly missed the point. No one here is saying that women can’t be bad.

I don’t think men are a-holes. I think you must have some pre-conception of feminists on this website that you want to catch me on or something, but I don’t think men or women are inherently anything. And yes, society does tolerate a lot of violence/abusive behavior from men, which encourages such behavior as a male

Exactly. And then recently, after maintaining a long-term silence about it, she dared to LIE about it in an interview saying that she didn’t know & it was an accident... But that interview (the one you cited) clearly shows that she did & she didn’t care. She’s a fucking shit person.

Not socially expected as in that they have to act that way necessarily, but people just assume that that is how “women inherently are.” Whereas, when men are gossipy and “catty,” it’s just called some other behavior instead of being gendered. The blatant refusal of the original poster of recognizing this just means

Do you call men in your life catty and gossipy, too, then? Because you seem to act as if you agree that gender doesn’t inherently determine anything, but are borrowing sexist definitions from the society that categorizes women to be that way. If you believe what you say, what is the resemblance of those women in your

Do you not realize how that is socially expected of women, and not because one gender is inherently something? Also, yes, you are being sexist and gossipy about women here too.

Asia also supported Polanski and backtracked hard. So I’m sure he knew. And I think they also knew about Rose Mcgowan and how she defended Victora Salva, a child rapist, publicly because it was alll the tweets they got. I suppose they just ignored them because people can be victims and hypocrites, and they only

She also blocked a bunch of people on Twitter who reminded her of it and tried to weasel out with some BS excuse.

Rose Mcgowan has been constantly accused of publicly defending a child rapist, Victor Salva. People have been asking her about it every day on Twitter for almost a year now, and she ignores them. When I brought it up on Jezebel I got so many hate messages I had to go off the grid for months. Because people think

Y’all didn’t listen when I talked about how shitty it was that she stuck up for Roman Polanski and backtracked and blocked people in an “only my rape matters” kind of a way. People attacked me so fuckin hard cause they don’t think victims can be perpetrators too. Just like how Rose Mcgowan defended a child rapist

I feel like you’re giving NM a lot of credit and awareness. But she’s sung for a dictator with human rights violations, doesn’t care that her brother is a rapist(I mean, she did pay for his bail), and she doesn’t care what happens to whom as long as it makes her look “empowering” and allows her to tap into some

Yeah. Are you on Jimmy’s payroll too?

But then when it made a joke about it at the Oscars so I guess he must have found something funny about it.

Okay, maybe I was hallucinating, but I saw an interview Kimmel did about a week or so after Hollywood metoos broke out in which he said that the accusations were baseless. I remember reading and sharing the article with my husband and friends and getting angry and talking about it. But now I tried to find it again and

Kimmel also defended Weinstein publicly when #metoo broke out.