The Gooey Kablooie

It’s really weird to invoke Spacey and House of Cards about this. Spacey was an adult who was sexually assaulting minors and sexually harassing crew members on the set of his show. That’s not remotely comparable to a television showrunner deciding that a scene calls for two characters to kiss. There’s nothing

I’m ashamed that I clicked on this. Were you ever fifteen, Barsanti? I was uncomfortable all the time when I was fifteen, and I wasn’t on a hugely successful TV show at the time.

Holy cow, are we making an issue out of this? I saw the Beyond Stranger Things episode myself and Sadie was embarrassed, but not traumatized. If you get a job in Hollywood you eventually have to pretend to kiss people you don’t love in real life. It’s how acting works. Quit grasping at straws just because you’re

The main problem with this mirror is how dangerous it is. I looked in one with a friend. His reflection showed up. Mine didn’t. Naturally, I concluded that I was a vampire who had to feed on human blood to survive. Which I then did. Thanks for killing my friend, you dumb mirror!

Chaos reigns, I guess.

Why is “cowboy hats and boots” a relevant detail here?

Meanwhile this ad is shown with this article. WTF?